About once in so long a tiny spasm of the muscles would contract the dewlap under his chin.
He cut a comic figure standing there in his shirt in the half light, with the dewlap at his throat dangling grotesquely in the neck opening of the unbuttoned garment, and his bare bowed legs showing, splotched and varicose.
She is nearly the color of the African, but darker; has the same black bill, and high protuberance on it, but without the dewlap under the throat; and has black legs and feet.
No one will pretend that the beards of certain male-goats, or the dewlap of the bull, or the crests of hair along the backs of certain male antelopes, are of any direct or ordinary use to them.
Hiram glanced his way and noted that he had a noose of clothes-line tied so tightly about his neck that his flabby dewlap was pinched.
He fingered his dewlap and closed and unclosed his lips.
The dewlapwas peculiar, being divided between its fore-legs into parallel divisions.
NECK--Rather long, very strong and muscular, well arched, without dewlap and loose skin about the throat.
There should be plenty of loose, thick, and wrinkled skin about the throat, forming a dewlap on each side from the lower jaw to the chest.
A rowel is to be made in the dewlap by taking a skein of hemp, tow, or twisted packthread, a foot long, and as thick as a man's thumb.
He had a private interview with Dewlap in regard to the construction of a practical fishing-costume for a lady, which resulted in something more reasonable and workmanlike than had ever been turned out by that famous artist.
The keeper pointed out to Mr. Harvey, as a remarkable peculiarity, that the dewlap (fig.
The neck is very slender near the head, at some distance from which a dewlap commences, but this is not so deep, nor so much undulated as in the Zebu or Indian Ox.
The dewlap is covered with strong longish hairs, so as to form a kind of mane on the lower part of the neck; but this is not very conspicuous, especially when the animal is young.
He cut a comic figure standing there, in his shirt in the half light, with the dewlap at his throat dangling grotesquely in the neck-opening of the unbuttoned garment, and his bare bowed legs showing, splotched and varicose.
So likewise the pictorial historian is merry over 'Dewlap alliances' in his description of the society of that period.
Yet, I must own, a Duchess of Dewlap is a provocation, and my exclusive desire to protect the name of my lord stands corrected by the perils environing his lady.
But the distinctiveness of a Duchess of Dewlap with the hair and cheeks of our native fields, was fraught with troubles outrunning Mr. Beamish's calculations.
Does the Duchess of Dewlap dare to give me the lie?
Setons, or rowels, in the dewlap are also very beneficial.
Not only did she remember each one of them by name, but she never forgot either the dates of their birthdays or the number of turkeys Mrs. Dewlap had raised in a season.
Now I've bought chickens from Mr. Dewlap for forty years.
Meantime there were a number of stitches in Jan's dewlapand shoulders not yet ripe for removal, and Dick decided that he would not ask the hound to cover over sixty miles of trail in a day, as he meant to do.
Low hung her golden dewlap over the grass at her feet; and all across the satin blackness of her saddle intricately woven little patterns of sunlight flicked back and forth as the breeze stirred the branches overhead.
In doing so he noticed for the first time Dick's stitches in the hound's dewlap and shoulders.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dewlap" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.