With this sale just going through, it must look deucedfishy to them too.
Of course the swell artists get deuced big terms, but if you're smart you can get the others to pay you.
It's deuced rough on you and me, but she never talks about that.
In truth, it seemed to him that his marriage with Allis would be a deucedgood thing for the Porters.
Came up to see your father's mare run, I suppose--I'm deuced sorry she was beaten.
A deuced deal of undeserved compassion has been thrown away upon what you call your bookseller's drudge.
They're just as well off in slavery as not--deuced deal better, I think; I dare say some of their kings and chiefs think they have a right to sell them if they like.
I am, I suppose, as great a sufferer as you are, and a deuced sight less able to bear it.
I'm deuced glad to hear it," said the Earl when dinner was announced.
But he must be deuced clever if he can get it both ways.
And me a deuced miserable one," growled Sebastian, flinging himself into an arm-chair.
You’re deuced pretty, as you know, and look splendid in those clothes—but clothes cost money and money can’t be got for nothing.
I’m too young to be growing old, but I feel deucedold all the same, at times.
It’d do him a deuced lot of good to get married to the right woman.
It is deuced lucky," said Mr Berners, "that the Bedchamber business is over, and we are all right.
Martin Cunningham frequently said he would work a pass through Egan but some deuced hitch or other eternally cropped up with the net result that the scheme fell through.
That one about the cracked lookingglass of a servant being the symbol of Irish art is deuced good.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deuced" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.