And I have been worried to-day, detestably worried.
De Vallorbes himself--detestably jealous though he was--could hardly have objected to her thus securing effective protection, had he been acquainted with the fact.
Well, situated so detestably as you are, I rather think the best thing you could do would be to make yourself Duchess of Altamont.
Anxious to retrieve my reputation, for I was detestably conceited about my art, I started off for a long, speedy swim, displaying my best racing stroke.
So far from being enthusiastic over parades and field days, we found them most detestably dull and longed for the pleasures that followed the order to dismiss.
I quite agree with you that it is detestably malicious," she said, laying down the manuscript.
You're a detestably lucky fellow," said Percy, on whom a charmingly pretty and thoroughly nice girl had made her legitimate impression.
Gertrude Carston certainly seemed a most desirable partner for Reggie; they were really both of them detestably lucky people.