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Example sentences for "desists"

Lexicographically close words:
desirous; desiryng; desist; desisted; desisting; desk; deske; desks; desktop; desmids
  1. If by mischance you blew offence my way, The straws are dropt, the wind desists no whit, And how such strays were caught up in the street And took a motion from you, why inquire?

  2. Pain might or might not be: He felt in heaven, where flesh desists to fret.

  3. Sometimes there is a little more animation, but it soon flags, and the bird desists and sits idle.

  4. Pleased with his charming voice, she yields to his pertinacious coaxings, and desists from her labors.

  5. The female, at last, comes to the rescue, desists from her meaningless flirtation, and bestows the jewel of her affections upon her first lover.

  6. Now it is expressly declared that his palace was in Ægæ: from thence he sets out for the plain of Troy, and thither he repairs when he desists from the persecution of Ulysses.

  7. For all churches in which that religion is accepted also teach that there is no salvation unless man examines himself, sees and acknowledges his sins, repents, desists from them, and begins a new life.

  8. The external is reformed by the internal when the external desists from the evils which the internal sets its will against because they are infernal, and still further reformed when the external shuns and fights against the evils.

  9. It begins when a man desists from evils as sins, progresses as he shuns them, and is perfected as he battles against them.

  10. The whale sends ambassadors to the jorsh, which unwillingly desists for an instant from the fight, in order to search for the casket; it finds it, but is not strong enough to lift it up.

  11. She tries to adjust her head to the remaining pillows, and then desists in evident discomfort.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "desists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.