We are able to go back yet half a century, and thedepravations of Holy Writ become avowed and flagrant.
For the readings above enumerated, be it observed, are either critical depravations of the inspired Text, or else unwarrantable interpolations.
The notes which I have borrowed or written are either illustrative, by which difficulties are explained; or judicial, by which faults and beauties are remarked; or emendatory, by which depravations are corrected.
But, to return to my Subject; which now calls upon me to inquire into those Causes, to which the Depravations of my Author originally may be assign’d.
The two foregoing depravations grew out of the ancient practice of writing the Scriptures in uncial characters (i.
I am of opinion that such depravations of the text were in the first instance intentional.
D abounds in instances of 'Assimilation' so unmistakably intentional, that this speedily becomes the only question, How may all these depravations of the sacred text be most satisfactorily accounted for?
No thoughtful reader will rise from a discussion like the foregoing without inferring from the facts which have emerged in the course of it the exceeding antiquity of depravations of the inspired verity.
That in this way some depravations of Scripture may possibly have arisen, would hardly I presume be doubted.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "depravations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.