It is not in accordance with rational conceptions of his attributes to suppose that he deludes his rational creatures with assurances or apparent proofs of something that is not true for the sake of making them act as if it were true.
But what is it that deludes itself, either in respect to the interview with another person, or in respect to the new composition?
Hardenbergh, your sonne Perhaps deludes me with a vision[79] To mocke my vision that deferde the Dutchesse, And with Hyanthe closlie keepes my sonne.
Sir Thomas Browne goes so far as to attribute divination by astrology to Satan, remarking how he "makes the ignorant ascribe natural effects to supernatural causes; and thus deludes them with this form of error.
The zombi deludes under the appearance of a travelling companion, an old comrade--like the desert spirits of the Arabs--or even under the form of an animal.
It has been asserted by one of our profound and most gifted statesmen that--Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effectual than that which deludes them with paper money.
According to Schopenhauer and von Hartmann the entity is the unique cause of love, which itself is an instinct that deludes into the furtherment of nature's aims.
His mission was to give a lesson to sovereigns and people, to humble hereditary power, and to prove by his own career the unsubstantial character of a government which deludes the popular will that creates it.
There are others whom indolence deludes by some trash about "fits" of inspiration, for whose Heaven-sent spasms they are humbly to wait.
All these states rise depending one upon the other (pa.ticcasamuppanna) and when a man says that he perceives the self he onlydeludes himself, for he only perceives one or more of these.
When one says 'I,' what he does is that he refers either to all the khandhas combined or any one of them and deludes himself that that was 'I.
But most part it is in the brain that deceives them, although I may not deny, but that oftentimes the devil deludes them, takes his opportunity to suggest, and represent vain objects to melancholy men, and such as are ill affected.
One reels to this, another to that wall, 'Tis the same error that deludes them all.
Next morning was a glorious summer Sunday--one of those days of peace on which this tired old earth takes back her look of innocence, and deludesherself with thoughts of Eden.
Some charm deludes my sense, or hither Thy daughter comes, girt by the warlike train Of thy two sons!
It has been asserted by one of our profound and most gifted statesmen that-- Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effectual than that which deludes them with paper money.
At least on two occasions out of three, it deludes itself or deludes us.
Perhaps she gives you credit for having more sense than you possess, and deludes herself with the hope that you will one day see your own errors and repair them, if left to your own reflection.
A lover is one who deludes himself; a journalist is one who deludes himself and other people.
It is a counterfeit of repentance unto life, which deludes those whom sin has blinded, and which, when often enough repeated, exhausts the soul and leaves it in despair.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deludes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.