To cast me off discourteously; And I have loved you so long, Delighting in your company.
He had times of relaxation into utter playfulness, delighting in a ball of yarn, catching sportively at stray ribbons when his mistress was at her toilet, and pursuing his own tail, with hilarity, for lack of anything better.
In whose wit and towardness the Cardinal much delightingwould say of him unto the nobles that divers times dined with him, This child here waiting at the table, Whosoever shall live to see it, will prove a marvellous man.
And the Baroness, delighting in his confusion, continued teasing him, like a cat with a mouse.
She began by delighting his senses; she ended by winning all that there was in him, and creating continually the qualities he lacked, after the manner of true women even when they are very young and foolish.
The man easily slipped into the group and soon took the lead in conversation, delightingall with his agreeable personality, his nimble tongue and graceful speech.
He likewise presented me with four hundred and forty-four large pieces of gold (this nation delighting in even numbers), and a red diamond, which I sold in England for eleven hundred pounds.
This conversation they are apt to run into with the same temper that boys discover in delighting to hear terrible stories of spirits and hobgoblins, which they greedily listen to, and dare not go to bed for fear.
God, and instead of delighting in it, maketh light of it, as if it little concerned him; and is acquainted with no other prayer than a little customary lip-service!
The edifying of ourselves in holiness, anddelighting our souls in the contemplation and praises of his perfections.
Again, they are fond of friends and companions, by reason of theirdelighting in social intercourse.
I do not ask you if you love me, only that you will be my wife, honouring me above all men, delighting me with such moments as you can give me.
He was determined to have one, and a good one, and by sheer energy he succeeded, delighting in his boyish way over the opposition some of his novelties excited among the older and more stiff-backed inhabitants.
Delighting in old Greek authors at Bishopgate, he became in Italy a strenuous, habitual, and sympathetic reader of authors, who are mere names to the semi-educated rabble.
Delighting in Eliza Westbrook for a season, he quickly learnt to loathe her.
Throwing himself on Byron in August, 1821, with the intention of delighting in him for ever, he quickly began to vapour about fighting him.
I used one but the other day: a little eyot of dense, freshwater sand, where I once waded deep in butterburrs, delighting to hear the song of the river on both sides, and to tell myself that I was indeed and at last upon an island.
Then Vikramaditya, accompanied by all of them, and by Malayavati, remaineddelighting in his empire.
There she remained leading an ascetic life, longing to meet her husband, delighting herself with waiting upon that sage, accompanied by his daughter.
In his lap was his lute, in his throat the quarter-tone of vocal music, and in front of him stood Vasavadatta delighting his heart.
And in the middle of it he saw the hermit Kanva surrounded with hermits, delighting the eye with his brightness, like the moon surrounded with planets.
That happy king's tongue was ever exclusively employed in tasting the flavour of wine, and his ear was ever delighting in the sweet sounds of the lute, and his eye was ever riveted on the face of his beloved.
Then a great feast took place there, full of the clang of cymbals, delighting the king of Vatsa, gladdening the queens, and causing joy to Kahngasena.
In such words the deer praised the crow and the tortoise and the mouse, and they all lived together delighting in their mutual friendship.
And gradually prince Chandraprabha increased in stature as well as in excellent character, delighting his dependants by both.
Then that king, delighting in the power of these two, one day went to a great forest to hunt; and there he beheld an enormous and terrible wild boar; like the darkness of the night suddenly condensed into a solid mass in the day time.
Pollio sings the actions of kings in iambic measure; the sublime Varias composes the manly epic, in a manner that no one can equal: to Virgil the Muses, delighting in rural scenes, have granted the delicate and the elegant.
All the whole choir of poets love the grove, and avoid cities, due votaries to Bacchus delighting in repose and shade.
He who joins the instructive with the agreeable, carries off every vote, by delighting and at the same time admonishing the reader.
One day old Lord Carlingford was delighting and convulsing her by placing a lighted candle in his mouth, and hobbling to and fro thus illuminated.
With a mellifluous-toned voice, a perfect shake and intonation, she was possessed of the double power of delighting an audience equally in pathetic strains and songs of brilliant execution, which is allowed to very few singers.
Sleeping in beauty given thee from above: This earth delighting in thy gentle breast, And the glad heavens attending on thy rest!
On glides the river with a tranquil flow, Delighting in his music, as he bathes The happy bounds where happiness doth stray.
The best poetry is what we want; the best poetry will be found to have a power of forming, sustaining, and delighting us, as nothing else can.
Sir George Goring was caustic and severe; Sir John Finett pleasant and social, delighting in nothing so much as in the happiness and gratification of his friends.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "delighting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: elated; exultant; flushed; gratifying; jubilant; rejoicing