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Example sentences for "deceave"

Lexicographically close words:
decays; decease; deceased; deceasse; deceassed; deceaved; decedent; deceipt; deceit; deceitful
  1. In fine, I think all will be nought, the king being a yong man and harkning to yong councell, which may deceave hym as it did Roboam, King Sollomans sonne.

  2. Adames to Cochy in bad termes, that I went about to deceave hym, and would force hym to take 150 tais in bad Nishew counterfet plate.

  3. But all their contrivances & wit weare too weake to strive against our plotts which weare already invented to their deceipt that would deceave us.

  4. If you will deceave them you must not think that they will come an other time for shy words nor desire.

  5. Hear is oft mentioun of conscience, of heresy, and suche other termes, that may fray the ignorant, and deceave the sempill.

  6. That the Pape and the bischoppis deceave the people by thare pardonis.

  7. I always said he'd be the first man in the island, and he's not going to deceave me neither.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deceave" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.