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Example sentences for "decamped"

Lexicographically close words:
decaie; decaied; decalcified; decalogue; decamp; decamping; decanal; decani; decant; decantation
  1. Before a year had passed the regiment was ordered to be re-established, and "our household decamped with bag and baggage for Dublin.

  2. And you decamped the same night, Richard; it was a fatal step.

  3. He was murdered by a chap called Richard Hare, who decamped instanter.

  4. He had decamped and was in some place of safety with those packets of bank-notes with which his pockets had bulged.

  5. Without a thought for the man they had shot, or for poor Jack, they decamped from the mansion, leaving the two victims lying on the floor.

  6. The British decamped from before Fort St. Philip, on the Mississippi, which they had bombarded from the 9th.

  7. The latter proposed a cessation of hostilities for one hour, which being agreed to, he decamped with his party.

  8. He decamped for Mohair, as you know, and since that time she has gone back on every word of it.

  9. Illustration: "The Arabs had decamped silently in the night.

  10. The Arabs had decamped silently in the night, leaving the bulk of their booty, and by this precipitate retreat acknowledging a more severe defeat than they had really sustained in the fight.

  11. Griffiths, having received the booty, decamped with the utmost precipitation; but Dr.

  12. He subsequently attained the rank of boatswain on board a vessel trading to the Baltic; but having, by means of a forged letter, obtained the sum of one hundred rix-dollars from a merchant of Riga, he decamped to Amsterdam.

  13. From this epistle Sidney could only collect one fact with certainty, and that was, that his friend Ibrahim Sishman had decamped with the bill on Beyrout, leaving him at Gaza without a dollar.

  14. In vain the Englishman declared he was no merchant, and explained that Ibrahim Sishman had decamped with his bill on Beyrout.

  15. He soon decamped to Russia, for he was down-hearted when the Church did not attract a greater number of disciples.

  16. The following night Hannibal decamped in silence, and moved on into Apulia.

  17. Vermina set out by night, as he was to fall upon the enemy unawares; but Syphax decamped in the day-time and marched openly, intending to fight a pitched battle.

  18. The rest Hannibal withdrew into the camp when he found the consul was there; and having despatched a messenger to those who were in the citadel, to desire them to take measures for their own safety, he decamped by night.

  19. And, lest the evil should spread more widely, now that the disposition to revolt from the Carthaginians had evinced itself in one instance, Hasdrubal decamped during the silence of the ensuing night.

  20. The Carthaginian was then endeavouring to induce the Canusians to revolt, but as soon as he heard that Marcellus was approaching, he decamped thence.

  21. Hannibal had decamped by night, but was overtaken by Marcellus in a plain and open country.

  22. We destroyed some five fields of corn and decamped at 8 A.

  23. Decamped at 6 o'clock in the morning and arrived at Easton at 2 P.

  24. Gusho and Powussen having sworn to Michael that they would never return without Fasil's head, decamped next morning, but with the secret determination to arrange a conspiracy against the ras.

  25. It was Dick MacEveril; he caught up the letter as it lay on Hanborough's desk in the office and decamped with it; and went off the next day to Worcester to get the note changed, as bold as though he had been Dick Turpin!

  26. If President Miraflores decamped with any funds belonging to the treasury of this country, or to himself, or to anyone else, I saw no trace of it in the house or elsewhere, at that time or at any other.

  27. It informed him that the president of the republic had decamped from the capital city with the contents of the treasury.

  28. In that same year, 1428, Captains La Hire and Poton had failed in their assault on Le Mans and decamped just in time.

  29. They evidently thought the same of us, for they offered several young children for sale, but, when told that we were English, showed signs of fear, and decamped during the night.

  30. The die being thus cast, he immediately decamped with his whole army for Torgau, fearing that Tilly should get there before him, and so prevent his conjunction with the Swede.

  31. As soon as they saw us they decamped as fast as their horses could carry them.

  32. By General Grant's directions the Sixth Corps had been following my route of march since the discovery, about 9 o'clock in the morning, that Lee had decamped from Amelia Court House.

  33. I had now done for ever with that disreputable Caterina, and the unfortunate young man, her husband, had decamped from Paris.

  34. At the end of two months the rascal decamped from my shop, leaving me in the lurch with a mass of business on my hands, and saying that he did not mean to pay me a farthing more.

  35. Our watering party was directed towards another portion of the river to avoid collision, if possible; and these natives at last decamped along its bank in an opposite direction, or downwards.

  36. After that interview they decamped towards the Bogan.

  37. He walked freely about London, and he always spotted the detectives, and decamped before they recognized him.

  38. The failure of the plan sent King out of the country in a panic, and the other man decamped too.

  39. Stephen Blackpool had decamped in that same hour; and no soul knew more of him.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decamped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.