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Example sentences for "debat"

Lexicographically close words:
debase; debased; debasement; debases; debasing; debatable; debate; debateable; debated; debater
  1. On othir half richt swa did thai, Thai maid no mar debat that day.

  2. Tho was betwen mi Prest and me Debat and gret perplexete: 2190 Mi resoun understod him wel, And knew it was sothe everydel That he hath seid, bot noght forthi Mi will hath nothing set therby.

  3. Of Wraththe yit ther is an other, Which is to Cheste his oghne brother, And is be name cleped Hate, That soffreth noght withinne his gate That ther come owther love or pes, For he wol make no reles Of no debat which is befalle.

  4. For tho tuo vices in discord Stonde evere, as I finde of record; 7650 So that betwen here tuo debat Largesse reuleth his astat.

  5. Wherof full many a gret debat Reformed is to good astat, And pes sustiened up alofte With esy wordes and with softe, 1540 Wher strengthe scholde lete it falle.

  6. He sat and caste aboute his yhe And sih the lordes in astat, And with himself wax in debat Thenkende what he hadde lore, And such a sorwe he tok therfore, That he sat evere stille and thoghte, As he which of no mete roghte.

  7. There is a Bataille des Vins, a Bataille de Careme et de Charnage, a Debat de l'Hiver et l'Ete, etc.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "debat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.