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Example sentences for "deafe"

Lexicographically close words:
deadness; deadwater; deadweight; deae; deaf; deafen; deafened; deafening; deafeningly; deafer
  1. My eares shut up that easie dore Which did proud fallacies admit: And vow to heare no follies more; Deafe to the charmes of sinne and wit.

  2. She is deafe to the whispers of love, and even on the marriage houre can breake off, without the least suspition of scandall, to the former liberty of her carriage.

  3. But the councell of Flanders, considering that he was but an earle of meane estate, and she the greatest inheritrice of all christendome at that time, gaue but deafe eare to so vnmeet a request.

  4. Deafe me with that sound: A Souldier, though he falls in the Field, lives crown'd.

  5. A name I hate: Oh I am deafe now to your Embassie.

  6. Yet when I stung Your Conscience with remembrance of the Act, Your eares were deafe to counsell.

  7. It will be deafe to pleading and excuses, Nor teares, nor prayers shall purchase our abuses.

  8. Deafe were the eares, not charm'd with that sweet sound Which did i'th spirit-instructed voice abound.

  9. Now you talke of Musick theres no man in the world loves musick better then I,--ile give you the reason: I have been deafe almost this halfe yeare, and it came with a cold sitting up a primero.

  10. I come to aske a question, which the winds; If I could deafe them, should not heare for feare Their repercussive Eccho should declare it To all our infamies.

  11. Your words will deafe me; I doe renounce my affection to you; when You can speake truth, protest you love agen.

  12. As for the matter it selfe, I meane the teaching of a man borne deafe and dumbe to speake, I thinke it impossible.

  13. I am but dead, if Thou seeme deafe to mee: Heare, when with humble prayer, I Thee entreat, With lifted hands before Thy mercy seate.

  14. Thy Ferdinand is dead and cannot heare, As thou wast sometimes deafe and wouldst not heare.

  15. So, set on to Court; Sound Drums and Trumpets, deafe the ayre with cryes, And fill eche subjects heart with joyes increase T'applaud our childrens love and this dayes peace.

  16. Waytinge on courtyers is like knocking at greate mens gatts in dynner tyme: well may a man make a noyse but hunger & hard fare keepes the porter deafe styll.

  17. Speech makes thee live; Ile then with silence kill thee, Henceforth be deafe to thy words and dumbe to thy minde.

  18. Thanks, sonne, but list to mee: He shall be deafe when thou shalt not see.

  19. Be deafe to him, as you regard your selfe.

  20. Now, as you are a right heroike Prince, Be deafe unto your daughters faire[165] words.

  21. Thou seest thou art prevented in thy plot And therefore desperately coin'st any thing, But I am deafe to all such stratagems.

  22. Oh let me teach thee for my Fathers sake, That gaue thee life when well he might haue slaine thee: Be not obdurate, open thy deafe eares Tamo.

  23. Your Honor calles you hence, Therefore be deafe to my vnpittied Folly, And all the Gods go with you.

  24. You must speake lowder, my Master is deafe Iust.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deafe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.