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Example sentences for "dattos"

Lexicographically close words:
dator; datos; dats; datta; datto; datum; datur; datus; daub; daubed
  1. That is because these dattos have always lived by plunder, and they always intend to do so.

  2. The spread of civilization here means that the old-time dattos will be driven into the wilds, and that there won't be any more plunder or blackmail money to live on.

  3. These dattos never respected the Spanish Government, and they don't feel any more kindly towards the United States Government.

  4. For one thing, these raiding dattos don't like to have white men on Mindanao.

  5. Procrastination on the part of the conferring dattos made a failure of the expedition.

  6. The Moro interpreter, in a red-striped suit and prominent gilt buttons, had come into camp with the report that one of the dattos at Malumbung wanted the military doctor to come up and treat his child, who was afflicted with a fever.

  7. The situation did not look so very bright for me; but at a conference of the interested dattos they reluctantly decided that I might depart.

  8. Before we reached Bacáyan we were met (June 29th and 30th) by Dattos Casiang and Pindalonan, with their combined forces.

  9. Though many of the dattos are disposed to treat the Americans as friends, three in particular will entertain a different attitude.

  10. Slave raids are a thing of the past, and leading dattos have been notified that any piratical or fanatical incursions into American territory will be punished swiftly and surely.

  11. Dattos of rank were followed by a slave carrying these boxes, the receptacle in their case being large and much more beautiful in design.

  12. On reaching the post we found that the boats belonged to two prominent dattos visiting there.

  13. Like other races in Mindanao the Subanos are organised under dattos or baganis in a feudal system.

  14. Then the resistance would soon slacken, and the sultans and dattos might be captured.

  15. The dattos impose an annual tax on all their subjects whether Moros or heathen.

  16. Amongst the Subanos only the dattos or rich men have more than one wife.

  17. Amongst the most influential Dattos of Basilan is Pedro Cuevas, a Tagal.

  18. Amongst the Moros, the administration of justice is in the hands of the dattos or of their nominees.

  19. Annuities were paid to friendly Moro dattos as rewards for services rendered, or as compensation for the cession of some of their rights.

  20. Polygamy is allowed, but little practised, only the dattos having two or perhaps three wives.

  21. In order that they may do this in safety, the principal dattos have a large and highly-ornamented lance called a quiap.

  22. The missionaries can be of the greatest service in pacifiying the Moros whenever the power of the dattos is broken and when slavery can be put an end to.

  23. All the dattos are baganis; they could hardly possess enough prestige to govern their sacopes without this title.

  24. The principal dattos show their grandeur by having enormous jars, in which they preserve their heir-looms or rare and curious objects, or use for holding provisions.

  25. They assume an over-lordship over all other tribes and their Dattos can generally enforce it.

  26. The Dattos were not all stopped fighting, because just as soon as the Philippine Commission thought it safe, the census began.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dattos" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.