The lanky prey dangles beneath the huntress, all limp, lifeless and paralysed.
For here is the Wasp hoisting her prey backwards, her enormous prey, which dangles beneath her.
His brother Alcanor runs up and sustains with his right arm his sinking brother; through his arm the spear passes speeding straight on its message, and holds its bloody way, and the hand dangles by the sinews lifeless from the shoulder.
Hamish stilldangles the child, with a wavering will.
There are also lights over each bed and a swag dangles precariously over the foot of my bed.
The spider danglesweightless From her wispy spinnerette, As does all existence hang suspended In the grasp of chance.
So when it feels hungry it lies down at the bottom of the sea, stirs the mud gently up with its side fins, so as to conceal itself from view, and dangles the glittering spine up and down in front of its open mouth.
So this angler has a spine which shines at the tip like a firefly, so that it can be seen from a considerable distance as the fish dangles it up and down!
Oswald's face is streaked with blood and from the end of its black cord, his silver crucifix, likewise stained, dangles almost to his knees.
From the end of a rosary about his neck dangles an ivory crucifix.
The Abbot and Louis, dumbfounded, stare wide-eyed at the crucifix which dangles from its cord about the Priest's finger.
Patiently he dangleshis baited hook by the side of a sunken log, and trails it temptingly back and forth before the coverts where the cunning fish lie hidden, but all in vain.
He has not been heard from since that brief interview, but it is safe to say that he is putting on airs as he dangles that rainbow-coloured minnow before the eyes of his admiring relatives.
The rope dangles before his eyes, it is true, but it dangles a goodly foot beyond his reach.
High above us the eccentric cottonwood-tree dangles its long speckled plumes, so silvery white.
He dangles because he must, and doesn't know what to do with his time, and because they seem to like it.
You women think that because a young man dangles after a girl, or girls, he's attached to them.
IMP dangles his keys and opens the street-door, as an invitation for them to go.
Between the table and left is a door which is the entrance to Y Gegin and from which, on a metal elbow, dangles a large bell.
To crawl up close enough to him to softly push your pole far out, so that the red lure dangles in front of his nose and within a few inches, often requires considerable labor, and necessitates more or less skill as well.
Your dogs of war are ailing all of mange; The loose leash dangles from your finger-tips, But the loud "havoc" dies upon your lips.
The joyous Bridal Veil is torn in twain And the crêpe steamer dangles there instead.
Who dangles after the great is the last at table and the first to be cuffed.
The long slit is desired because the people consider the effect more beautiful when the ring swings and dangles at the bottom of the pendant ear.
When she turns her back she displays huge hindquarters, from which dangles a lean sea-scorpion; and when she turns sideways her mouth is twisted utterly askew, so that her face becomes horizontally oblong.
He turns his anorak back to front, draws his hood up over his face, and then dangles the tupilek between his legs.
These bells are very tiny, and are attached at regular intervals to the outer rim of a wooden wheel, wrongly styled by some 'the Wheel of Fortune,' from which dangles a long string.
The young boys of Morlaix dress very like their elders, and nearly all of them wear the long loose cap, with the difference that a tasselled end dangles down the back.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dangles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.