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Example sentences for "danda"

Lexicographically close words:
dancers; dances; danceth; dancin; dancing; dandelion; dandelions; dander; dandi; dandiacal
  1. The animal offered up, when a man marries a divorced woman, is called bayar danda (outside fine), or fine paid as compensation to a man living outside the earth.

  2. The animal sacrificed on this occasion is called long danda (inside fine), or fine paid to the spirit of a dead person inside the earth.

  3. By Krodhavasa: -- Serpents such as Danda Suka and others.

  4. They must continue in a course of physic, yet not so that they tire and oppress nature, danda quies naturae, they must now and then remit, and let nature have some rest.

  5. I bow also to all those followers of thine that have taken refuge at thy feet--Mathara and Aruna and Danda and others, including Asani and Kshuva and the others.

  6. Arriving next at Champa, and bathing in the Bhagirathi, and seeing Danda one earneth the merit of giving away a thousand kine.

  7. The Bombay reading danda-vidhanam is a blunder for the Bengal reading danda nidhanam.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "danda" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.