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Example sentences for "danceth"

Lexicographically close words:
dance; danced; dancer; dancers; dances; dancin; dancing; danda; dandelion; dandelions
  1. Dark is still his countenance; the shadow of his hand danceth upon it.

  2. It is a beautiful folly, speaking; therewith danceth man over everything.

  3. In his neck abideth strength, and before him danceth terror.

  4. Then we will have little Nell, A proper wench, she danceth well, And Jane with the black lace; We will have bouncing Bess also, And two or three proper wenches mo.

  5. Then he singeth this song and danceth withal, and evermore maketh countenance according to the matter; and all the others answer likewise.

  6. Tom Collier of Croydon hath sold his coals, And made his market to-day; And now he danceth with the Devil, For like will to like alway.

  7. He danceth as evil-favoured as may be demised, and in the dancing he falleth down, and when he riseth, he must groan.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "danceth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.