Stir the sugar well in, and simmer the damsons slowly for 2 hours.
From 5 to 6 hours to bake the damsons in a very cool oven.
Pick the damsons clean, bake them slowly, till they may be rubbed through a cullender, leaving nothing but the skins and stones.
Take a considerable quantity of damsons and common plums inclining to ripeness; slit them in halves, so that the stones may be taken out, then mash them gently, and add a little water and honey.
To keepdamsons for winter pies, put them in small stone jars, or wide-mouthed bottles; set them up to their necks in a boiler of cold water, and scald them.
Currants and damsonsmay be preserved in the same way.
Those damsons which Ruth had seen dangling for at least three years in the cottage orchards were ripe at last.
It was a well-known thing in Slumberleigh, though Ruth till last April had not been aware of it, that God Almighty always sent cold weather when the Slumberleigh damsons were in bloom, to harden the fruit.
Indeed, the match was discussed on numerous ladders, with almost as much interest as the unfailing theme of the damsons themselves.
Damsons and plums should be pricked with a needle, and peaches washed with a weak lye, and then rubbed with a coarse cloth to remove the fur.
Stew thedamsons till tender in a jar set in boiling water.
Small apples, pears, peaches, apricots, and damsons may be used to make sweet pickles as directed for plums.
A peck and a half of damsons will make ten pints of cheese.
The branches of thedamsons depended so low, looking, as it were, right into the court and pressing the fruit against your very face as you entered, that you could not choose but take some when it was ripe.
Damsons are rather apt to disagree with delicate stomachs, and also to affect the bowels.
Some will just give their Damsons a scald in the Water before they pour it on the Raisins, which is a good way.
Fill a stone jar with fine ripe damsons that have been washed in cold water but not dried.
Then transfer the damsons and their juice, to a broad pan, and carefully pick out all the stones.
Let the water boil round the jar, till the stones of the damsons are all loose, and falling out from the pulp.
Plum jam may be made as above; but damsons are better for this purpose, and also for jelly, as the juice is much thicker and richer than that of plums.
The juice of damsons is much thicker and richer than that of plums; but it requires still more sugar.
When the damsons have all burst open, put them into a linen bag; squeeze it well, mix the juice with the syrup which you have previously prepared, and freeze it.
In planting damsons the same question should be put.
Hedges of damsons or the myrobalan (the cherry plum) serve as shelters from the wind and grow rapidly.
Plums and damsons for market should be gathered and sent before they are quite ripe; if soft and pulpy on arrival, they are valueless.
Dried cherries and damsons may be stewed in the same manner, adding the sugar before they are quite done.
The juice can be boiled with sugar till it gets like red currant jelly, or the juice of the damsons can be sweetened with less sugar and thickened with corn-flour.
In order to extract the juice from damsons they should be sliced and placed in a jar or basin and put in the oven.
Plums, Damsons, and Prunes may conveniently be joined together, Plums and Damsons being often used synonymously (as in No.
The Damsons were originally, no doubt, a good variety from the East, and nominally from Damascus.
When the damsons are quite ripe, wipe them separately, and put them into stone jars.
Boil up one pound of damsons with three quarters of a pound of sugar; when the fruit begins to break, take out the stones and the skins; or, what is a better way, pulp them through a colander.
To every pound of fruit take half a pound of sugar; wet the damsons with water; and put them into the sugar with the insides downward.
Accordingly, she took out one of thedamsons and ate it.
There was not much in my nurse's cottage with which to prove her liberality, but a quart of damsons for my mother was enough.
Talking about damsons and apples, I call to mind a friend in Potter Street, whose name I am sorry to say I have forgotten.
Molly went the long walk to the Holly Farm to order the damsons out of a kind of penitence.
You had better go to the Holly Farm, and speak about those damsons I ordered, and which have never been sent.
Damsons and blue plums should be slit lengthwise with a pen knife, and set in the sun before preserving, which will render it easy to extract the stones.
Scald the damsons slightly, in just enough water to prevent burning.
Make a syrup with vinegar, sugar and spices, then drop in a few of the damsons at a time.
The Cherry is ripe when he is sweld wholy red, and sweet: Damsons and Bulies not before the first frost.
Except from this foresaid rule, Cherries, Damsonsand Bullies.
Greengages are very fine put up in this way; also damsons for pies.
I have brought a few Plums and these pears for you, A dozen kinds of apples, one or two Melons, some figs all bursting through Their skins, and pearled with dew These damsons violet-blue.
Green gages and damsons maybe preserved according to this receipt.
You may bottle damsons in the same manner; also grapes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "damsons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.