Nevertheless, he sat down listlessly enough at an unoccupied table, and a pretty maid, in a dress daintier and fresher than that of the other attendants, instantly stood beside him with her hands clasped modestly before her.
Passing sweet she was to see, passing simple and gracious of manner, with softer eyes and a daintier face than girl of mother born.
He conjured Graelent to tell him straightly if he knew a daintier dame.
And a prettier, a daintier head of winsome curls was never seen on a whore's shoulders.
This consisted of a piece of rind of cheese, which everybody had refused in daintier days, when provisions were plentiful.
These little linen shirts are daintier than the warmest silk or fine woollen underwear that have succeeded them; they are edged with fine narrow thread lace, hemstitched with tiny rows of stitches, and sometimes embroidered by hand.
At the first glance each had recognized each, and the prophecy and the vision rushed back upon the daintier convict.
Never were there daintier love passages in the midst of war.
Never was theredaintier heroine or more daring hero.
No answer--only the sound of the solid steps of the thoroughbred and the daintier tread of the mustang.
By night it froze into marvellous frost-work; daintier and more intricate of pattern than any made by man.
The hand of little employment hath the daintier sense, and we must look to two or three generations passing away before the Indian will take his place in the family of civilized man.
Our beds, too, were a shade in advance of last night’s quarters on the gravelly beach, for they were of hemlock boughs, and if well laid who would ask a daintier resting place.
In the end--very elaborately dressed, and looking daintier than she had ever done in her life, she waylaid Kelson and asked him to have tea with her.
Lilian Rosenberg, who arrived a moment later, was dressed in a new costume, and Kelson thought her looking smarter and daintier than ever.
The true character of the gentleman is to know no fear, and to rush through all danger at the throat of his foe; wherefore I uphold the dignity of the mastiff above all his tribe, though others have a daintier hide and a statelier crest.
Adam, more and more engrossed in his labours, did not appear to perceive the daintier plenty of his board, nor the purchase of some small comforts unknown for years.
Hasty and careless, he hath not thought eno' of the blessings he might enjoy, and many a poor abbot hath daintier fare on his humble table.
The one uses his art for portraying vivid realism, the other for the purpose of clothing his pleasing conceptions as evolved in daintier vein.
The point, Honiton and Princess braids are represented full size, and are much daintier in texture than the Battenburg braids.
In making it for garments or articles that are to be renovated occasionally, the Battenburg braids are advisable; but for daintier uses, point or Honiton may be chosen.
Raleigh bars and buttons render the heavy part of the work effective, while the daintier point stitches and bars are used to fill in the floral sections--coarse and fine thread being used in the work.
After 1650 the lace-workers at Alencon and its neighbourhood produced work of a daintier kind than that which was being made by the Venetians.
To them succeeded lace in which the compact relief gave place to daintier and lighter material combined with a ground of meshes or reseau.
Still, they are much daintier in their colouring than the more domestic brown kind; and, after all, in a lizard I demand beauty rather than advanced moral qualities.
The leaves are mounted on brackets, just as the spruce leaves are, but the brackets are much smaller, to match the daintier twigs and leaves.
We shall look far in the woods before we find seeds daintier in form, or better sailors through the air, than those of all the birch family.
Tis e'en so: the hand of little employment hath the daintier sense.
The hand of little employment hath thedaintier sense.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daintier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.