And the Jewe said / Veryly the god of Crysten men is grete and the faythe of hym is ferme and approved in all thynges / I have smyten no man / but I have smyten thymage of Ihesu Cryste / and anone yssued blood of his throte /.
And thenne the Jewe brought the Crysten man to the pytte / and then they drewe oute that hooly ymage /.
That is to wete thre paynyms, three Jewes, and three crysten men.
And alle the hondred crysten men that were wyth Roulland in thys rencountre were dolorously slayn and put to deth, except onely Baulduyn and Thyerry, whych for fere fled into the wode.
And wyth that noyse came to hym an hundred crysten men wel arayed and habylled wythoute moo.
Thus as I sayde these wordes Baulduyn whyche rode on Rolland’s hors came hastely, and sayd to Charles how the crysten men were dede and bytrayed, and how Rolland was hurte, and in what estate he had left hym.
Bellegardus broder of Marfuryus, doubtyng that helpe and ayde sholde come to the crysten people, retorned into another countreye wyth hys peple moche hastely.
For fro the morning unto the houre of tyerce, they feared not to fyght and smyte on them, wherefore the crysten men were moche wery, and had nede to reste theym.
Rolland the valyaunt, and champyon of the crysten fayth, was moche sorouful of the crysten men bycause they had noo socours.
HOW the treason was comprysed by Ganellon, and of the deth of crysten men, and how Ganellon is repreuyd by thauctour.
I trow, and ye entretyd hym, she myght come into Crysten menys handys.
Lyf of the Noble and Crysten Prince Charles the Grete.
Here begynneth a notable treatyse and ful necessarye to all crysten men for to knowe & it is named the Ordynary of Crystyens or of crysten men.
Here endeth the book named the ordynarye of crysten men newely hystoryed and translated out of Frensshe in to Englysshe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crysten" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.