Dear," crooned Billy, and kissed him on the chin, for she could reach no higher.
And we will get married and live happily ever after," crooned Billy.
The river flashed its response and crooned its lullaby, and like children answering the maternal voice, the frogs gave chorus and the whippoorwills called plaintively from the woods.
The sick man could turn his head on his pillow and gaze upward into cool and deep recesses of green where the sun shifted and sifted golden patches of light, and where through branch and twig the stir of summer crooned a restful lullaby.
Oh, that's all right, sir," crooned the White Linen Nurse.
I worked in peace; an aeroplane above Crooned through the heaven coloured like a dove.
He felt the gold already pouched, hecrooned to it with horrid love, As still the camels onward slouched with hatred of the men that drove.
She cradled her in her arms, wrapped in warm rugs, and rocked and crooned old slumber songs as though her charge had been in fact a child again.
He croonedsoftly as he scrubbed; and the flames struck gleams of light from the collar of brass about his neck and the round shining sides of the kettle, as it turned and twisted in his hands.
Then they sat down together; and the sea beat on the terrace, and the gulls cried about the towers, and the wind crooned in the chimneys of the house.
Nine years she sat; and the sea beat upon the terrace, and the gulls cried about the turrets, and wind crooned in the chimneys of the house.
Rosie carried the child outside to the little front porch, where she rocked and crooned in the gathering darkness until Geraldine grew quiet.
And I'll bring you back here to nest and stay with you until your young are on their feet, with their eyes open," Pan crooned against my lips.
I am thy child," crooned Pan, with a new note to his chant that immediately started on my heartstrings.
Her eyes, though looking at Jean Jacques as she crooned and coaxed and made lullaby, apparently did not see him.
The laughing child crooned and spluttered and shook its head, as though it was playing some happy game.
And then, out of a full throat, shecrooned 'Kiss me!
I could not have refused him a glance, a turn of the head in the direction of the voice that crooned so sweetly through the purring rush of the car.
I think we'll shut the door," crooned Betsey as she looked anxiously around the cottage.
Now bring the crock," crooned Betsey, and Eli brought the crock and placed it on the brandis.
It would be better for most people never to have been born," crooned the melancholy Turtle-Dove.
So crooned he desolate in his dim shop, Till I became all ears and had no eyes.
Oh, if he would but come now while I mirror so much beauty," the stream crooned to herself.
She came and went, but not sadly, and crooned to herself some strange African tune that rose and fell more like a chant of triumph than a dirge.
The black face of Orange shone and simmered with glee; she nodded perpetually, and crooned and laughed to herself over her tasks by the hour together,--a low chuckling laugh of exceeding content.
The quiet waters crooned to them like a mother singing an old lullaby--crooned and called, till a voice deep within them said, "It is better to lie down and sleep and die than to live and fight and starve.
She was trying to frighten me to death, and I believe she would have succeeded, had not Love so fortunately discovered her identity," she mused, while mammy crooned on monotonously with her nursery song.
The creek tinkled over the pebbles at their feet, and a drowsy bird, half-wakened by the moon, crooned languorously in the sycamores.
Belinda crooned a loving song, and tucked her pretty head under her little mistress' chin.
You could do great things if you didn't drink," crooned the fools.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crooned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.