The crocodilian reptiles which existed in the earliest secondary epoch were similar in general structure to those now living, but exhibit slight differences in their vertebræ, nasal passages, and one or two other points.
As his clenched fists flashed with waning strength he glimpsed crocodilian forms swarming up on either side of them, glimpsed Lanier down, talons reaching toward him, Milton fighting over him like a madman.
The Martians in their transparent-windowed control rooms took in at a glance the dead crocodilian on the floor, and then the three great machines were darting toward that of Randall and Lanier.
One hissing call he uttered as they struck him, and then with all his strength Lanier had grasped the crocodilian body and bent it backward.
Fully a score of the crocodilian Martians were busy in the room, some intent on their work at the racks and tables, others operating some of the strange machines.
But the flat head set on the neckless body was most crocodilian of all, with great fanged, hinged jaws projecting forward, and with dark unwinking eyes set back in bony sockets.
But as the Martian Master's high call hissed again all the countless crocodilian forms in the great cone were rushing toward them.
And beside the dais was a figure between twocrocodilian guards at sight of whom Randall forgot all else.
Throngs of the hideous crocodilian Martians were moving busily to and fro in the streets, while among them there scuttled and flashed numbers of the centipede-machines.
It seemed that all in the great city were heading toward the same goal, streams of crocodilian Martians and masses of shining centipede-machines filling the streets as they moved toward it.
Along the street crocodilian Martians were coming and going still, though in small numbers, there being but few in sight in the dim-lit street's length.
The big crocodilian shape was apparently a prisoner like themselves, captured and brought down from above.
A genus of extinct crocodilian reptiles of the Jurassic period, having a long and slender snout.
Perhaps this improvement in the crocodilian back had something to do with the persistence of this type after so many others of the sea-lizards of the Mesozoic had passed away.
Mantell as affording another example of the blending of the Crocodilian with the Lacertian type of structure; for we have, in the pectoral arch, the scapula or omoplate of a crocodile associated with the coracoid of a lizard.
The Reptiles, which seem to have swarmed in the seas of the Jurassic period, partook of the crocodilian organisation, and those of this period seem to bear more resemblance to the Lizards of our day.
Defn: A genus of extinct crocodilian reptiles of the Jurassic period, having a long and slender snout.
Defn: A South American crocodilian (Jacare sclerops) resembling the alligator in size and habits.
The Resident, a tall, lean being with a leathery, gray face that somehow managed to look crocodilian in spite of the fact that his head was definitely humanoid in shape, peered at them from beneath pronounced supraorbital ridges.
Perhaps it shows a modification towards the crocodilian direction.