On the Lande de Belaire an allée couverte of slate rock 25 ft.
An allée couvertecalled Les Vielles Hautières is near the high road, and is 48 ft.
An allée couverteat Villepierre, two dolmens in the wood at Coetby and two menhirs called Baboun et Baboune at the outskirts of the wood of Lanvaux.
It has the ruins of an allée couverte leading to it.
There are two dolmens in the forest, and an allée couverteat Kerpenru.
On the Lande du Chêne-hut is an allée couverte composed of 13 stones, three of which are coverers, and two others lie in the soil.
An allée couverte at the hamlet of Bois, running N.
They start from this allée couverte and run about 250 yards to a pair of blocking stones, planted at right angles to the rows.
A menhir at Kervoen, another at Mélionec; remains of an allée couverte 30 ft.
Footnote: One of these maps is entitled Carte de la découverte du Sieur Joliet, 1674.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "couverte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.