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Example sentences for "corselets"

Lexicographically close words:
corsage; corsair; corsairs; corse; corselet; corses; corset; corseted; corsets; corslet
  1. Their defensive arms are cotton corselets reaching to the feet and with sleeves; corselets made of wood and buffalo horn; and cuirasses made of bamboo and hard wood, which entirely cover them.

  2. Some had bucklers of wood or raw-hide, and some wore those corselets of tough twigs interwoven with cordage which their fathers had used when fire-arms were unknown.

  3. They were lightly equipped; but some of them wore corselets made of staves, to ward off arrows.

  4. Their corselets are for the most part made of linen; a few have chain-coats and helmets with triple crests, but the others use helmets composed of sinews.

  5. There are rams here which, instead of wool, have hair resembling that of a goat; they are called musmones, and the inhabitants make corselets of their hides.

  6. There were also many such kilts and corselets and helmets.

  7. Meantime with mutual carnage they the field Spread far and wide, and by spears double-edged Smitten, and by the sword their corselets rang.

  8. The mob groaned, and suddenly a volley of stones fell among the pikemen, whose corselets rattled under the shower.

  9. His corselets were of polished steel richly ornamented, studded with gold nails, and lined with crimson velvet.

  10. We put on our metal corselets and swords and over them slipping cowl and habit, went out into the corridor and to the main portal.

  11. The corselets were concealed under the couch of my jailer, as mine could not be passed through the grating.

  12. But the bowmen of the present time go into battle wearing corselets and fitted out with greaves which extend up to the knee.

  13. After them came the French infantry, without armour save the officers, who wore steel corselets and head-pieces.

  14. They surrounded the festive board--they filled the spacious hall, and the lights of the banquet were reflected upon their corselets as on a wall of steel.

  15. Great numbers of corselets and headpieces were worn in the Napoleonic wars.

  16. One type of basket was carried on the back of the soldier and contained small corselets in which the pigeons were securely fastened.

  17. Corselets were suspended from the sides of the basket by elastic contrivances permitting considerable joggling without injury to the birds.

  18. Occasionally, he added to this defence the protection of a coat of mail, composed either of scale armor, or of quilted linen, like the corselets of the Egyptians.

  19. Helmets and corselets gleamed bravely from their pegs, suggesting that they were animated by heroic souls.

  20. Over the breast some wore corselets of bronze-scales, also open on the left side to give greater freedom in fighting, displaying the roundness of their small breasts made firm and hard by fatiguing exercise.

  21. Milan furnished the finest engraved and most elegant corselets for hommes de pieds "tant de M.

  22. The corselets furnished to the Swiss pike-men by the Milanese appear also to have been of this pattern.

  23. Ce genre de cuirasse legere eut la plus grande vogue a la cour de France"; and "on y approuvoit fort les corselets graves de Milan et ne trouvoit point que nos armoriers parvinssent a la mesme perfection, non plus qu'aux morions.

  24. Monstrelet mentions that the Milanese gave corselets and other armour to the Swiss, with the finest promises, before the battle of Marignano.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "corselets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.