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Example sentences for "corps diplomatique"

  • What losses the Corps Diplomatique has suffered!

  • The treaty is to be found in Dumont, Corps Diplomatique, tom.

  • Excepting the corps diplomatique and the officers, all within the church were in deep mourning.

  • We were talking one day about the Corps Diplomatique, small Powers, Embassies, etc.

  • We went out driving in the afternoon, and I had my first experience as Ambassadress, as the coachman drove down Constitution Hill--a right of way reserved for Royalties and the Corps Diplomatique.

  • We (Corps Diplomatique) were still all in black, the English in colours.

  • Mr Katakazy, the doyen of the corps diplomatique, satisfied that any parade of foreign interference could only increase the difficulties of the king's position, accepted the answer of Kalergy and began to withdraw.

  • The delay excited some distrust even among the best disposed in the square, and the report was spread that the king was endeavouring to communicate with the corps diplomatique, in order to create a diversion.

  • Mounted police were dashing to and fro as we passed under the "Puerta de Honor," through which the Corps Diplomatique enters on official occasions.

  • There is generally among the Corps Diplomatique a note of nil admirari.

  • I am completely among the corps diplomatique of all nations, and through the unceasing attentions of Sir H.

  • We have been giving weekly soirees to the great guns here--all the different corps diplomatique and lords and marquises without end.

  • The Corps Diplomatique has been received by their Majesties at the Quirinal, and I have made my first official appearance and worn my first court train.

  • I was officially presented on their reception days to the wives of all the Ministers, and made my visits to the members of the Corps Diplomatique.

  • We were invited to dinner at the White House--a dinner given to the Corps Diplomatique.

  • On this subject, I speak from the experience of almost all the corps diplomatique, as well as from the authority of individuals, who have much business with the various branches of administration.

  • Receives the ceremonial visits of the Corps Diplomatique.

  • Our negotiation seems to be in a better train, and it is not improbable, that Mr Jay will be able to terminate our affairs with Spain previous to the general negotiation, which is much talked of at present among the corps diplomatique here.

  • This practice is not confined to us, but extends to the correspondence of all the corps diplomatique.

  • The corps diplomatique noticed this peculiarity also, and had a hundred good stories to tell their several courts of the ridiculous incidents which came under their notice.

  • The Personnel of the "Corps diplomatique.

  • The term corps diplomatique originated about the middle of the 18th century.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "corps diplomatique" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another party; being turned; catches sight; corps commander; corps diplomatique; corps reserve; corps were; corps will; est bon; express their; green tomatoes; hand column; hoist side and outer; honour bright; laisser faire; microscopic examination; pay the; place between; plus belle; shaped corolla; special duty; there appeared; thou think; utter darkness; vicarious atonement; would need