The Scholastic distinction between native and acquired habits does not apply in the supernatural domain, because the supernatural by its very definition can never be either a part or an acquisition of mere nature.
How do these two factors conjointly produce one and the same act?
Sacred Scripture and the Fathers plainly teach that man is unable to perform any salutary act by his own power.
I can assure you I liked noe country as I have that wherein we wintered; ffor whatever a man could desire was to be had in great plenty; viz.
Every one knows what good services we had done to the countrey, and loved us, the inhabitants as well as the souldiers.
The words, "cornes and houses," connecting the foot of p.
In the end of that nixt harvest, was sein upoun the Bordouris of England and Scotland a strange fyre, which discended from the heavin, and brunt diverse cornes in boyth the realmes, but most in England.
Some cornes thei brunt, besydis that which the great host consumed, but small butting thei caryed away.
The unprovedeid people war all together amased; for brycht day appearing, thei saw ane army of ten thowsand men; tharecornes and howssis[214] upoun every syd send flambes of fyre unto the heavin.
They seldome or never make bread of their Indian corne, but seeth it whole like beanes, eating three or four cornes with a mouthfull of fish or flesh, sometimes eating meate first and cornes after, filling chinckes with their broth.
Cornes had just come up with the axe, and was about to tell the brakeman to chop the box, when the parrot spoke.
They gathered a little nearer, but no noise, when Cornessaid they were all off their base, and had better soak their heads.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cornes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.