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Example sentences for "contraventions"

Lexicographically close words:
contravene; contravened; contravenes; contravening; contravention; contre; contree; contrees; contretemps; contrey
  1. With the exception of those contraventions which are specially enumerated by article 27, all these cruisers are competent to verify all contraventions committed by the fishing vessels of all the signatory Powers (article 28).

  2. But arrested vessels must always be brought into a harbour of their flag State, and all contraventions are to be tried by Courts of the flag State of the contravening vessel (articles 2, 7, 8).

  3. These slender concessions, however, were soon withdrawn and, in 1546, officials were reminded that only those permitted by the Instructions could be admitted and any contraventions would be severely punished.

  4. Capable of being worked out by For contraventions of the law forced labour without imprisonment (without imprisonment).

  5. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contraventions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.