The contrabandistshad got through again, and this time with a vengeance.
It came about in due time, let Laurent's watch-dogs do what they would, that the contrabandists once more succeeded in running their cargo into the Hotel of the Three Friends.
Contingents of contrabandists were despatched to Greece, Spain, Morocco, Holland, Italy, Switzerland and the United States.
It is affirmed bycontrabandists in Scandinavia who are acting on Germany's behalf, that many of the commissions for the acquisition of raw stuffs for Germany are composed almost exclusively of non-Russian subjects of the Tsar.
On the way, however, he and his guide were attacked, and the contrabandists carried away, among other things, the precious packet containing the most valuable portion of the regal crown!
Well," he began, "for a long time it had been known that a number of contrabandists were smuggling goods from France over the almost impassable summit of Mont Cenis.
With cunning ingenuity, the contrabandists had contrived to transform the ruddy visage of a wax `Desdemona' into the pallid countenance of a corpse, which they placed upon a heap of filthy straw in the damp, dark lower chamber.
A group of men stood talking before the door, others were busy with some heavily-laden horses, and contrabandists hurried to and fro.
Why, yes; my brave contrabandists showed me the strange white flowers growing between the rocks, and told me they were sure always to evoke mutual love.
Nothing then was left me but to give myself up to the contrabandists at Porretta.
Some of the contrabandistssent me to the wife of the 'caffetiere' out at San Miniato.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contrabandists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.