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Example sentences for "contemporary writers"

  • If we consider the great eloquence which all contemporary writers attribute to Milic, this cannot be sufficiently regretted.

  • He thence became known as "Magister Parisiensis," by which name he is generally described by contemporary writers.

  • In the remarks of contemporary writers on religious settlements, it is curious to note in what a different estimation regular canons and monks are held by those who shared the interests of court circles.

  • Contemporary writers represent it as almost always being carried out by lords and large farmers against the interests of the smaller tenantry.

  • Indeed, if the accounts of contemporary writers may be trusted, it would appear that their position was actually improved in the course of the century.

  • We do not know how it was written, nor how it was published, but it was frequently mentioned by contemporary writers as the regular official medium for transmitting intelligence.

  • A gradual improvement in quality was the result, some of the kinds being given well-known Roman names which are mentioned by contemporary writers.

  • The variations, and the ignorance, of contemporary writers, prove that it was secret.

  • The complaints of contemporary writers, who deplore the increase of luxury, and depravation of manners, are commonly expressive of their peculiar temper and situation.

  • The misfortunes of Spain may be described in the language of its most eloquent historian, who has concisely expressed the passionate, and perhaps exaggerated, declamations of contemporary writers.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contemporary writers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being equivalent; being treated; called reformation; con una; contemporary account; contemporary chronicler; contemporary history; contemporary life; contemporary literature; contemporary society; contemporary writer; contemporary writers; forward pass; great commander; here present; microscopical examination; morally wrong; natural objects; realise that; shown above; since love; something that; that young; then applied; took leave; whose only