Je ne leconnais ni d’Ève ni d’Adam = I do not know him from Adam.
Je le connais de longue main = I have known him for a long time.
Je ne le connais ni de près ni de loin = I do not know him at all.
For a fact the romantic and historic lore which abounds within a short radius of the capital of the Mâconnais makes it one of the most interesting regions of mid-France.
At the time of the Saint Bartholomew massacre he was Bailli de Mâcon, and, throughout, the Mâconnais and the Charollais took a firm stand against the killing off of the Protestants as an unholy means to a Christian end.
Throughout the countryside of the Beaujolais and the Mâconnais one notes a manner of building with respect to the meaner dwellings which, to say the least, is most curious.
Scene 3): Albe vous a nommé, je ne vous connais plus, a verse which is here parodied.
Corneille himself has given the answer: --Albe vous a nomme, je ne vous connais plus.
This is the change made by Dabadie: [Music: Mais je connais le poids des fers, mais je connais le poids des fers.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "connais" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.