The comedy ends by all three talking at once in loud excited voices, without listening to one another, and the conciliator announces the close of the sitting.
When your solicitor attempts to state your case the attorney on the other side interrupts him with indignant denials, and the conciliator joins in with the most injudicial display of temper.
The conciliator must reside within his district and his principal duty is to promote the settlement of disputes between employers and work-people or between members of either class among themselves.
In Robinson's case the Moment had been approaching for a quarter of a century--and meantime the future Conciliator was tranquilly laying bricks in Hobart.
The Permanent Council of Conciliation should be a small Council to be established by each of the Great Powers appointing oneconciliator and one deputy conciliator for a period of--say--five or ten years.
It added to his military titles those of defender and saviour of the throne, of pacificator of the realm, of arbiter and enlightened conciliator of parties.
If the two parties previously engage that they will accept the decision of this conciliator or umpire, the arrangement differs little from arbitration, except that there is no legal power to compel compliance with the decision.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conciliator" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.