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Example sentences for "compound words"

  • As in spelling, a few rules may be helpful; but, also as in spelling, only continuous reference to a dictionary or to a good list of compound words, will enable a writer to attain any degree of perfection in their use.

  • Horace Teall, who was a department editor of the Standard Dictionary, having in charge especially the matter of compound words.

  • Compound words with ne, sen, mal, have also a negative signification, and such words are often employed with a negative to express an affirmative assertion.

  • In our own language the true aspirates, like the true duplications, are found only in compound words; and there they are often slurred in the pronunciation.

  • In compound words it is the first term that defines or particularises the second.

  • It is a mere accident that they are all compound words.

  • In the formation of compound words (see Morphology) na is never used, while ng is a regular element.

  • At least he is one of the most interesting.

  • They gobble sweetmeats, they gossip, they laugh, they enjoy themselves--the husbands are not there.

  • Poly-, in compound words of Greek origin, same as multi- in those of Latin origin viz.

  • This woman belonged to the race of martyrs; her intense credulity bordered on heroism.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compound words" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    adopted mother; after alluding; attack the; beautiful lake; bonny bonny; compound body; compound engine; compound fracture; compound interest; compound leaf; compound leaves; compound microscope; compound predicate; compound subject; compound words; each girl; enamel colours; high trees; hold forth; hydrocarbon radical; last century; like scales; virtuous life; what things; whose office; yellow stockings