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Example sentences for "complayne"

Lexicographically close words:
complainte; complaints; complaisance; complaisant; complaisantly; complayned; complaynt; complaynte; compleat; compleate
  1. This bearer shall tell you more vpon that I asked him of his letters and where he did complayne of the crueltye of some of them.

  2. No, no, he shall complayne that wantinge me He wants his refudge, and my glorye then Shalbe to scorne hys favors whylst my thoughts Onlye take pleasure in a perfytt frende, Which is your selfe, that onlye .

  3. And I that he by secret charmes hathe sought To make spoyle of myne honor, but in vayne Doe I complayne where theres no profyttinge.

  4. And not willing to forget a wrong done vnto me, whereof may I complayne of Montanine?

  5. And although I doe complayne of mine vnhappy fortune, yet I meane not to accuse you, onely contented that eche man doe know, that firme affection and eternall thraldome do deserue other recompence than a farewell so cruell.

  6. Now the Gentlewomen of Sicilia doe maruayle at my Magnificence, and Beauty, and by prayses aduaunce the same vp into the heauens: and contrarywise euery of theym doe mock thee, and deeme thee to be Infamous.

  7. In the busie searche of whom hee heard the miserable playnt that the vnhappy Woman made, wherefore so loude as he coulde, be cried out: "Who weepeth there aboue?

  8. No hardned rigor is our guide, Nor folly doth vs lead: No Fortune can vs twayne deuide, Vntill we both be deade.

  9. We suspecting nothing that the Quein Regent wes consenting to the foirnamed murther, most humilie did complayne of suche injust crueltie, requiring that justice in suche cases should be ministrate with greattare indifference.

  10. At whiche woordes, the sorowefull father began to vtter pitifull lamentation, and bitterly to complayne of Fortune.

  11. And mokel more is he joyed, that with herte 25 of hardinesse dare complayne to his lady what cares that he suffreth, by hope of mercy with grace to be avaunced.

  12. My hert, nor I, have don you no forfeyt, By which ye shulde complayne in any kynde.

  13. Strangers, at their first comming into the West parts, doe complayne that they are visited with the slowe sixe-legged walkers, and yet the cleanely home-borne finde no such annoyance.

  14. Unto laymen we vs refourme agayne As of chryste our mayster in maner halfe asshamed My hert doth wepe: my tunge doth sore complayne Seing howe our State is worthy to be blamed.

  15. Harke in thine Eare, yf tste horson hap To complayne to him that weres the red cap I feare then shortly he wyl us clap By the heles from our liuingl +Wyll.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "complayne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.