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Example sentences for "companionably"

Lexicographically close words:
companie; companied; companies; companion; companionable; companioned; companionless; companions; companionship; companionships
  1. When her brake had been relined, at Livingston, they sauntered companionably on to Butte.

  2. A few minutes before, we had been joking together and companionably messing our fingers with oranges upstairs.

  3. He grinned companionably at the young man's start of surprise.

  4. Hanlon did not want to explain anything, so let it go at that, and the two talked companionably of many things as they moved naturally about the ship.

  5. Philander rested his hand companionably on the younger man's shoulder.

  6. Come up, boys, and take 'em down," he called cheerfully and companionably out through the darkness.

  7. A slug o' square-face, Mickey," companionably announced the old gentleman known as Crotty.

  8. Then he took me companionably by the arm and led me away.

  9. People say there is no difference between us," he went on, drawing his chair companionably close to mine.

  10. He had a stump of a tail, which he wagged at me with extreme difficulty, and a good honest white and black face which he poked companionably into my hand.

  11. The young man called up St. Michael's rectory and explained first, and smoked companionably with the Major in the library afterward.

  12. But when he was sitting opposite and the carriage door was shut, she smiled companionably across at him and added: "You foolish boy!

  13. Fidget's nose snuggled companionably against his foot, he would not have traded his quarters for the finest suite in the most expensive club in the city.

  14. George, poking the foreman's ribs companionably with his elbow.

  15. She served them and sat companionably down with them all.

  16. He reached for it, and she held on, and they moved companionably away from the car carrying the basket between them.

  17. He sat companionably close and draped a friendly arm across Ted's shoulder.

  18. Ted sat down on the very tip of Hawkbill and Tammie squatted companionably beside him.

  19. That was one reason why Missy enjoyed being with her father--she could be so companionably silent with him.

  20. Very companionably from time to time, like a tame firefly, a little bright spark hovered and glowed for an instant above the bowl of his pipe.

  21. Very companionably the White Linen Nurse cocked her own towsled head on one side and listened with him for half a moment.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "companionably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.