But the thinkers of that time had a rather clumsier way of putting the thing, they imagined a sort of individual choice of and assent to citizenship that never in fact occurred--the so-called Social Contract.
Its build is stouter and clumsier than that of the Rats.
They are heavier and clumsier than frogs, and cannot leap nearly so far.
The playfulness of the Sabine bard is that of the lapdog, while the Umbrian reminds us of the pranks of a clumsier and less tolerated quadruped.
It worried me that I couldn't decide what the clumsier and less tolerated quadruped was.
This uncertainty in the movements of the whale was a matter of small moment to the occupiers of the light kayaks, but it told rather heavily on Leo in his clumsier boat.
Despite his utmost efforts, Leo could not do more than keep up in rear of the hunters, for the sharp shuttle-like kayaks shot like arrows over the smooth sea, while his clumsier boat required greater force to propel it.
In central and southern France, where large flints are scarce, the Acheulean tribes were forced to use quartz, which fashions intoclumsier forms.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clumsier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.