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Example sentences for "clairvoyantly"

Lexicographically close words:
claires; clairs; clairvoyance; clairvoyant; clairvoyante; clairvoyants; claith; clam; clamant; clamb
  1. The following may, therefore, be clairvoyantly observed during the Sun period.

  2. A new method of putting forward these matters consists in so describing them, after they have been clairvoyantly investigated, that they are quite accessible to the faculty of judgment.

  3. They clairvoyantly behold what is taking place on the Sun.

  4. They can be seen clairvoyantly in the shapes they assume under different influences, and they do many of the phenomena of the seance room.

  5. To reach clairvoyantly a thing, scene, or person in this way is akin to the unwinding of a ball of yarn, when you hold the loose end in your hand.

  6. Having natural clairvoyant power, though previously unaware of it, he naturally directed his astral vision to the source of the mental currents, and perceived clairvoyantly the scene described in the story.

  7. Veins of coal, oil, and other substances have been discovered clairvoyantly in this way.

  8. When looking at a person clairvoyantly there appears to be an empty space in the center of the forehead just above and between the eyebrows.

  9. Can an incident be said to be seen clairvoyantly if it is seen some hours after it occurred?

  10. May not that knowledge be gained clairvoyantly or telepathically, with no intervention of any spirit other than of living men?

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clairvoyantly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.