The recruits drilled on the citadel esplanade, straightening their legs and pointing their toes as if their sole ambition in life was to kick their feet away into space, down to the very eve of evacuation.
Upon my faith, my master does assuredly think my labor of little value; to have sent me for nothing, where I have been sitting the whole day to no purpose, waiting at the citadel for Callidemides, his landlord at Myconos.
This was the fort or citadel that defended the Piræus, and being three miles distant from the city, was better suited for the design of Pamphilus, whose object it was to keep Parmeno for some time at a distance.
The view from the citadel or beacon across Taunton Dean is far-reaching and exhilarating.
Kalah i Darab, or citadel of Darius, and consists of a series of earthworks arranged in a circle round an isolated rock.
He was too young to die, but he had gold, and the captain of the citadel needed money.
Add to this that the Turks were masters of the whole city, excepting the citadel and the square of Ezbekieh, which, in a manner, they had blockaded by closing the streets that ran into it with embattled walls.
Newruz, after suffering one defeat, threw himself into the citadel of Damascus and capitulated, when Sheikh had sworn to keep the terms of the capitulation.
He invited the entire Mam-luk corps to a banquet, which he proposed to give in the Citadel Palace in honour of the departure of Tussun Pasha for Mecca.
Here he was separated from his followers, thrown into chains, and brought into the citadel of Cairo (a.
When everything had been settled, the citadel was set on fire, but the conflagration was so great that the whole town was consumed.
He managed to hold out for seven days, after which the citadel was captured by the rebels, and he was forced to abdicate on the 19th of March.
Many and bloody battles were fought in those northern wilds during the summer, in most of which the Russians had the advantage, gaining citadel after citadel until winter drove the combatants from the field.
Their general, Stanislaus, artfully contrived even to place a thousand of these Polish troops in garrison in the citadel of Moscow.
Not far from the war-harbour lay the marketplace, which was connected by three narrow streets with the citadel open on the side towards the town.
Pardon for the past, and payment upon the same terms as those offered in the city, were accepted, and the mutiny of the citadel was quelled.
Then they fought against Het Benu; its citadel was opened and the soldiers of his Majesty entered into it.
The citadel of this genus is found about the head waters of the Amazon, where there are many species.
Its citadel is found in the live-oak hummocks of the Gulf States and the oak forests on the highlands of Mexico and more southern countries.
I consaited when I went to bed I could audibly feel these critters fightin' like Turks and minin' my inerds, and I got narvous lest my stomach like a citadel might be blowed up and the works destroyed.
The besieged in the citadelbroke forth, only to let the conquerors in.
At the expiration of two or three years he was made Captain of the citadel of Modena; and in 1482 a war broke out, with the Venetians, in which he took part, for it interrupted the progress of his poem.
His troops almost immediately took possession of Leghorn and thecitadel of Ancona, and the French were obliged to evacuate Tuscany.
He was immediately conducted to the citadelof Strasburg, where he remained till the 18th, to give time for the arrival of orders from Paris.
In front, at a little distance, was the castle of Pfalz, in the middle of the river, and from the heights above Caub frowned the crumbling citadel of Gutenfels.
Of all edifices, more especially deserving of being visited at Nuremberg, the Citadel is doubtless the most curious and ancient, as well as the most remarkable.
The tower and the adjoining chapel, may be each of the thirteenth century; but the tombstone of the founder of the monastery, upon the site of which the present Citadel was built, bears the date of 1296.
Nuremberg may be supposed to have been in the very height of its glory, this Citadel must have been worth a pilgrimage of many score miles to have visited.
Villars, with an account, that the town and citadel of Dunkirk should be delivered to Mr. Hill.
The chief of those, along which the Medes and their allies would advance from the east and north, crossed the Greater Zab, or came down through the Kurdistan mountains upon the citadel of Sargon.
Perhaps he might be able to procure a staff, but there was just as much bustle outside the gate of the citadel as by day.
A large space leading from the city itself to the royal citadel was given up to the soldiers, and there, by the side of the shady court-yards, were the houses of the police-guard and the prisons.
Every other exit from this second court of the citadel led into the strictly guarded gardens and buildings of the palace itself.
There is still preserved as a relic of its origin the little block-house citadel of the old Fort Pitt, down near the point of the peninsula where the rivers join.
His statue stands in Citadel Square, and his grave is in St. Philip's churchyard.
The great bell in the citadel has tolled your dirge, days agone.
The Tower was in reality a castle, an ancient, formidable pile of heavy stone and black iron, which had itself served as the citadel in an earlier, ruder century.
Berlin was still, as it had been during the days of Mendelssohn and Wessely, the sanctuary of learning, the citadel of culture.
Even in Lithuania, the citadel of the Talmud, the development of Talmudic learning had been hampered.
And so, ascending into the serene citadel of Knowledge and looking down upon our noisy griefs, we may find them to be but high lights, ennobling life's monotonous plain.
Against the sombre mountains the isolated citadel glowed inly, like a milk-white opal shot with rose.
But the Etruscan ghosts within me stir strangely at times, and walk abroad through the citadel of my soul.
But neither the love of the one child nor the grief of the other passed into the citadel where her will stood at bay before the beleaguering troops of pain.