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Example sentences for "cicatrice"

Lexicographically close words:
cicada; cicadae; cicadas; cicala; cicalas; cicatrices; cicatricial; cicatrisation; cicatrix; cicatrization
  1. The cicatrice began to make itself very visible in his face, and the debonair manner was fast vanishing.

  2. He looked full into Grey's face, and Grey looked full into his; and as he looked the great cicatrice seemed to open itself and to become purple with fresh blood stains.

  3. That cicatrice did not improve his personal appearance.

  4. I could not be deceived in the dark gipsy face, in the peculiar cicatrice on the right cheek.

  5. Shane, his anger kindling, while the cicatrice stood forth purple upon his forehead.

  6. On his cheek Lucian saw the cicatrice of which Diana had spoken, and mainly by which the dead man had been falsely identified as Vrain.

  7. Denzil noted two peculiar marks about him; the first, a serpentine cicatrice extending on the right cheek from lip almost to ear; the second, the loss of the little finger of the left hand, which was cut off at the first joint.

  8. And at another time, "Josephus Listirus, anglus, cum parva cicatrice in palpebra dextera.

  9. The Chinaman, an evil-looking old fellow with a long cicatrice across his left cheekbone, shook his head and regarded his questioner craftily.

  10. The fellow carried a long cicatrice on his left cheek.

  11. Rae left the room, saying that he would bring a raincoat, and Jimmie pointed to a rear apartment where an old Chinaman with a long, sinister cicatrice on his left cheek was bending over a table.

  12. Associated with the plugs of the cicatrice are not infrequently dikes, or, it may be, sheets of lava extended between layers of sediment and known as sills.

  13. The cicatrice of the Banat (after Suess).

  14. After her hearing improved he still continued to examine the cicatrice from time to time, pretending to note the speed with which it was disappearing.

  15. Miss Travers, it appeared, had been burnt low down on her neck when a child: the cicatrice could still be seen, though it was gradually disappearing.

  16. The cicatrice and capable impressure] Cicatrice is here not very properly used; it is the scar of a wound.

  17. Harvey also remarks, that this little cicatrice is found in every fecund or infecund egg, and that those who think it is produced by the seed of the male are deceived.

  18. Malpighius demonstrated that these alterations were occasioned by the glandular bodies which grew to perfect maturity, afterwards they become flaccid, obliterated, and left only a slight cicatrice remaining.

  19. The cicatrice of the egg corresponds with the glandular bodies in which the seminal liquor of the female resides; that of the male penetrates and mixes there with it; from this mixture, the formation of the embryo instantly results.

  20. Between these extreme cases and that of a mere cicatrice we have every gradation.

  21. There was the cicatrice of an old wound on a lower limb, but otherwise there was no spot or blemish upon the body.

  22. He regretted that her splendid array of teeth had been marred by the loss of one upon the left side of the mouth, and told how a wound had been received, whose cicatrice appeared upon one of her limbs, stating exactly its location.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cicatrice" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.