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Example sentences for "choreographic"

Lexicographically close words:
chore; chorea; choregraphic; choreic; choreman; chores; chori; choric; choring; chorion
  1. It is not explicative, but parallel, it is a stimulant that calls forth other ideas; hence the possibility of giving "Le Sacre du Printemps" two entirely different choreographic settings.

  2. He continues to direct most of the dances for his 92-member company and to create new choreographic works of daring originality.

  3. I do not know whether he really believed in his choreographic gifts, or whether he thought that his talented dancing, about which he raved, indicated that he would show equal talent as a ballet master.

  4. Massine, who from the beginning had shown himself to be a ballet master of great talent, had created an admirable choreographic representation of Goldoni's charming story.

  5. I reduced their number to three, selecting from among them Calliope, Polyhymnia, and Terpsichore as being the most characteristic representatives of choreographic art.

  6. Many of these dances certainly are interesting, if not in actual choreographic merit, in association.

  7. But, as stated in another place, the choreographic taste of Egypt has many points of similarity with that of the Arabs of all the southern coast of the Mediterranean.

  8. But they serve as a beginning of the process of separating the gems of folk-dancing from the mass of that which bears a superficial sparkle but is without intrinsic choreographic value.

  9. If a large element should have its way, the next few years would see that decoration painted over with a huge choreographic story-picture, sentimental or frenzied, realistic; and beauty be hanged.

  10. To contrive a choreographic composition “docile to his rheumatism,” he composed in 1630 a Ballet of the Gouty.

  11. As this description is at variance with that of two eminent choreographic writers, it should be added that it is made from the step as demonstrated and explained by Sr.

  12. Of the merit of the performers there is no adequate record, for lack, among other things, of an explicit choreographic terminology.

  13. Holland and Belgium are alike unproductive of dancing of much choreographic value.

  14. Moreover, of every class of youngsters a certain number are destined to be choreographic composers; to these a knowledge of orchestral possibilities and limitations is indispensable.

  15. Notwithstanding, the fifteenth and sixteenth see in Spain the so-called Villancicos de Navidad (a choreographic celebration of the birth of Christ) and the dances of the Seises, then as now performed in the Cathedral of Seville.

  16. So long as the tradition of round dancing joins the performers’ hands to one another, choreographic art can hardly exist.

  17. At that time everybody danced deliriously,[25] the quadrille being in great vogue since it lent itself readily to choreographic invention on the part of the individual.

  18. I thought that this would give the staff of the ballet a choreographic task of so magnificent a character that there would no longer be any occasion to grumble at me for my obstinacy in this matter.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "choreographic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.