They hould safe your childrens patrymony, and play with your majestie as men play with little children at handye dandye, which hand will you have, when they are disposed to keep any thinge from them.
No more the thirsty Erinnys of this soil Shall daub her lips with her ownchildrens blood.
By childrens births, and death, I am become So dry, that I am now mine owne sad tombe.
Adames woaman to let me have the disposing of the goshons for herchildrens use; and thother from Uquese Dono of Miaco.
And that which was more, he had, in the childrens behalfe, bought the halfe of a junck at Nangasaque, wherin he ment to goe hym selfe and make use of the goshon lawfully.
Adames servantes about the goshons, for the childrens right.
The gods preserve your majesty," The beggars all gan cry; 50 "Vouchsafe to give your charity, Our childrens food to buy!
Great royal feasting was at thechildrens christ'ning, And princely triumph made; Six weeks together, all nobles that came thither Were entertain'd and staid.
Thys semeth not to them to hasty a care when they preuente euen the wery byrth: and semeth it to hastye that is vsed in fashioning your childrens myndes?
Tis much, when Scepters are inChildrens hands: But more, when Enuy breeds vnkinde deuision, There comes the ruine, there begins confusion.
If you do free your Children from the Sword, Your Childrens Children quits it in your Age.
He shall flourish, And like a Mountaine Cedar, reach his branches, To all the Plaines about him: Our Childrens Children Shall see this, and blesse Heauen Kin.
Those meats ought to be sugred over, that are healthful for childrens stomakes, and those made bitter that are hurtfull for them.
But parentes offence or childrens trespas ought not to deface the vertuous dedes of their posterity.
Consider that also that is written in the Proverbs: A good man leaveth an Inheritance to his childrens children, and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
For what should a man do, that had either regard to his own Peace, his Childrens Good, or the preservation of the rest of his servants from evil, but let him go?
The childrens Hosanna pleased him no less then the mens Hallelujahs; Suffer little children to come unto me, saith Christ, for to them belongeth the Kingdome of God.
Paper flowers and ornaments which childrens build with hands, and red berries they bring from forest, have expression same as growing from walls and windows.
After march come song 'bout cradle and star, but big cough catch Tãke Chan in middle, and when the strangle had left and tears of hot had wipe way, he heardchildrens saying amen to prayer.
Wherefore doth vaine Antiquitie so vaunt Her ancient monuments of mightie peeres, And old heröes, which their world did daunt With their great deedes and fild their childrens eares?
Fates, My childrens blood Shall spin into your faces, you shall see How Confidently we scorn beggery!
They offered every thing they possessed (which was verry littl) to us, Some run off and hid in the bushes The first offer of theirs were Elks tuskes from around their Childrens necks, Sammon &c.
Circular of Information Concerning the Training School forChildrens Librarians= 5th-12th Year.
Catalogue of Books in the Childrens Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
Bertha Binderwitz und me is monitors in the yard when the childrens comes back from dinner.
You should come up here 'fore the childrens comes for see how her buttons stands.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "childrens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.