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Example sentences for "chapitre"

Lexicographically close words:
chaperoning; chaperons; chapfallen; chapiter; chapiters; chaplain; chaplaincies; chaplaincy; chaplaine; chaplains
  1. This chapitre declarithe how many gret offices of highe dignite Caton was called and auctorised for his gret manhode and wisdom, and how he in his age couraged the yong knightis to goo to feelde to venquisshe Cartage or he died.

  2. In our chapitre praye we day and night 1945 To Crist, that he thee sende hele and might, Thy body for to welden hastily.

  3. And he wolde fecche a feyned mandement, 1360 And somne hem to the chapitre bothe two, And pile the man, and lete the wenche go.

  4. This conclusioun wol I declare in the laste chapitre of the 4 partie of this tretis so openly, that ther shal lakke no worde that nedeth to the declaracioun.

  5. This chapitre is so general ever in oon, that ther nedith no more declaracion; but forget it nat.

  6. Illustration] The seconde chapitre of the thirde tractate treteth of the forme and maner of the second pawne and of the maner of smyth.

  7. Illustration] The seconde chapitre of the seconde book treteth of the forme and maners of the Quene.

  8. And of the cruelte of the peple of rome speketh the good man of noble memorye Iohn the monke late cardynall of rome in the decretall the syxte in the chapitre gens sancta where he sayth/ that they ben felo[=u]s ayenst god.

  9. The sixty chapitre of the yssue of the rooks.

  10. The first chapitre treteth of the form of a kynge and of suche thinges as apperteyn to a kynge The .

  11. The first chapitre is under what kynge this play was founden.

  12. The first chapitre of the fourth tractate of the chesse borde in genere how it is made.

  13. Illustration] The sixthe chapitre of the thirde book treteth of the sixth pawn/ whiche is lykened to tauerners hostelers and vitayllers.

  14. Illustration] This second chapitre of the first tra3tate sheweth who fonde first the playe of the chesse.

  15. The thirde chapitre of the first tractate treteth wherfore the playe was founden and maad.

  16. Illustration] The fourth chapitre of the thirde book treteth of the maner of the fourth pawn and of the marchants or changers.

  17. Illustration] The seventh chapitre of the thirde Tractate treteth of kepars of townes customers and tolle gaderers &c.

  18. The first chapitre is of the labourers & tilinge of the erthe.

  19. And after his decees to remayne and to be for ever to the seide Dean and Chapitre as it appereth by endentures thereof made whereof one party leveth with the Dean and Chapitre.

  20. The Sext chapitre contenis, The poyntis of the takenyngis of the blasoun of the signis and seremons custumable to be maid in geving of the said Ordre, and all be ordre.

  21. The Thrid chapitre contenis, All the said properteis of the noble Ordre and office of Knychthede, as the Knycht deuisis.

  22. The Fyft chapitre contenis, How the Bacheler Squyer suld ressaue the noble Ordre, and the forme and manere tharof, and of the process of the making of Knychtis be ordre.

  23. The Secound chapitre is, How the Bachelere quhilk suld ressaue that hye Ordre, how he suld first lere the pointis and the propereteis of the Ordre, before that he tak it, in the begynnyng.

  24. The Ferde chapitre contenis, The forme of the examinacioun how the Bachelere Squyere suld be examynit, be the faderis of the Ordre, before or he ressauit the said Ordre.

  25. The Sevynt chapitre contenis, The gude thewis, vertues, and custumes that pertenis to the Knychtis that honourably wald manetene the foresaid Ordre of Knychthede.

  26. The Auchtand chapitre contenis, How the said Ordre suld be haldyn at honour, and quhat honoure suld be done to thame that beris the said Ordre, and has optenyt it with honoure.

  27. From Chapelle Sainte-Fine, Vaux pool may be reached on the right by following the famous Fontaines ravine, between the stumps and the brushwood of Vaux-Chapitre wood and Fumin wood.

  28. On the left can be seen what remains of Vaux-Chapitre Wood and, on the right, the remnants of Laufee and Chenois woods.

  29. And gif thou hast any good, And wilt thyself helpen, Help us hertelich therwith, And here I undertake Thou shalt ben brother of oure hous, And a book habben 650 At the nexte chapitre Clerliche enseled.

  30. It was full five feet in, and buried in the place where he didd drawe the Chapitre Howse.

  31. When I returne I will build a chapel to Our Lady of the Loretto, and soe instant was I inn (my vowe) that the brethren were grieved, for yt was arranged in Chapitre that wee shold build a Chapel to oure Edgare before I wennt in ye shyppe.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chapitre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.