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Example sentences for "champeen"

Lexicographically close words:
champak; champaka; champan; champans; champed; champerty; champignons; champing; champion; championed
  1. He bate th' champeen iv the' wurruld last week be a scoore iv wan hundhred an' eighty-two to siventy-six.

  2. An' he was champeen of America; not only that, but champeen of th' whole world.

  3. The champeen backs an' fills, becos 'E doesn't feel the Boshter Bloke 'e was.

  4. Mormon Peters, champeen holder of the Cow Belt, 'lows he can't.

  5. Me, I was the champeen wrastler of the Cow Belt, one time.

  6. Roarin' Russell, champeen wrastler, allows he can lick any man in camp.

  7. Blakeman's been braggin' all winter he's a champeen bulldogger," Alkali went on contemptuously.

  8. Well, Alkali," Lefty Forbes drawled, "in a few days now me and you can feast our eyes on the champeen bulldogger of these here parts.

  9. And him claimin' to be a champeen bulldogger!

  10. He's a champeen at that too," said Steve.

  11. I'll bet five dollars that th' first lady iv th' land licks th' champeen without th' aid iv a stove lid.

  12. That Jew man 'd been champeen iv th' wurruld if all iv him cud 've kept out iv close quarthers with th' man again him.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "champeen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.