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Example sentences for "canvasman"

Lexicographically close words:
canula; canum; canvas; canvasback; canvases; canvasmen; canvass; canvassed; canvasser; canvassers
  1. Phil did not object to work, but he did not like the way the canvasman spoke to them.

  2. The odor of the food, the sweet scents from the green grass underneath their feet, all so familiar to the showman, gave Phil and Teddy appetites that even a canvasman might have envied.

  3. Rodney Palmer said the boss canvasman might give me a chance to earn one.

  4. All at once the circus men glanced aloft as the shrill whistle of the boss canvasman trilled somewhere outside the big top.

  5. Well, it was a sight when the people were got out of our car, and they let it burn, to light up the scene, and pa and I and the boss canvasman went along the ditched train, and helped people out.

  6. Illustration: The Boss Canvasman Went Into a Cactus.

  7. The boss canvasman was in the same fix, and everybody that tried to hold an animal was pinned together with thorns, and they had gravel up their trousers from sticking their heels into the soil.

  8. They were going to give the fat woman a hoist, when the boss canvasman gave the signal to take down the tents, and all was in a hubbub for about 15 minutes.

  9. Just then the boss canvasman came along and he said: "Hello, old man, what you doing up there?

  10. Emperor apparently had not observed it, nor did he seem to see the red-headed canvasman striding his way.

  11. The canvasman was too close to check his own speed.

  12. The boss canvasman ordered three of his men to get the trapeze performers' big net that lay in a heap near the ring nearest the dressing tent, for there were two rings now in the Great Sparling Combined Shows.

  13. In his effort to do so, the coil slipped from his hands, knocking a canvasman down as it fell, but the lad had held to the other end with a desperate grip.

  14. The canvasman had joined the procession by this time.

  15. Men were shouting their commands, above which the voice of the boss canvasman rose distinctly.

  16. Tell the boss canvasman to send Larry and Bad Eye to me.

  17. Before the canvasman could make an effort to free himself, Mr. Miaco, the head clown, took a hand in the proceedings.

  18. I don't see why you hired a canvasman to watch me," growled the other, pouring another drink.

  19. He recalled the profane respectfulness of the boss canvasman earlier in the day--a condition which would have astonished that worthy beyond description if he had had the least idea that he was respectful.

  20. The canvasman looked Carl over, and then, being of a grouchy disposition, and thinking Carl was trying to make fun of him, he gave him a push that landed him against a banner containing a painted portrait of the elastic-skin man.

  21. That'll do you," snorted the canvasman who had hold of Carl, and thereupon raced him for twenty feet and gave him a shove that turned him head over heels across a guy rope.

  22. The canvasman gave him the quarter and two tickets, and he gave one of the tickets to me.

  23. The head canvasman offered a quarter to any boy that would climb the pole and free the block.

  24. They're cheering for you," a canvasman informed him.

  25. Phil, he can beat the boss canvasman in that line.

  26. One follows the buggy of the boss canvasman to Vandeman's lots where the stand is made.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "canvasman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.