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Example sentences for "calvaries"

Lexicographically close words:
calumniator; calumniators; calumnies; calumnious; calumny; calve; calved; calves; calving; calx
  1. A steep ascent of a mile leads to this very interesting church, with fine porch and two calvaries and a spire.

  2. The Calvary is of the same period, purer in design and better in detail than the overcrowded Calvaries of Guimiliau and Plougastel.

  3. The Barzas-Breiz teaches us to comprehend Carnac and the Calvaries of Brittany.

  4. It is a question as to whether any of the great monumental calvaries of Brittany can be considered really artistic.

  5. The two religious structures characteristic of Brittany--calvaries and charnel-houses--are frequently met with.

  6. These two Calvaries picture for me the part that Christ is playing in the present war.

  7. They were the Calvaries of a new redemption being wrought out for men by soiled unconscious Christs.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calvaries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.