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Example sentences for "burled"

Lexicographically close words:
buriers; buries; burin; burla; burlap; burlesque; burlesqued; burlesques; burlesquing; burletta
  1. Radisson explains that he and his brother had really burled the goods across the river.

  2. What is said of burled and root walnut graining?

  3. What is said of the use of sponges in burled graining?

  4. There is nothing that has a more vulgar look than an overdone imitation of burled walnut.

  5. Not so with burled walnut or root walnut of either the European or the American varieties.

  6. I'll prove mie courage onne the burled greene; Tys there alleyne I'll telle thee whatte I bee.

  7. Thys damoyselle I founde wythynne a woode, Strevynge fulle harde anenste a burled swayne; I sente hym myrynge ynne mie compheeres blodde, Celmonde hys name, chief of thie warrynge trayne.

  8. Who they were, and what they said to me, are matters which shall be burled in the deepest pit of oblivion I can find or dig.

  9. There should be a new life in the new world, and the humiliation and disgrace of the past should be so deeply burled that it could never be resurrected.

  10. They rushed up to the cannon, slew the gunners with the butt-ends of their rifles, or lifted them up by the hair and burled them over the railing of the bridge into the foaming waters of the Inn.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.