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Example sentences for "brocoli"

Lexicographically close words:
broche; brochs; brocht; brochure; brochures; brod; brodder; brode; broder; broderie
  1. Sow brocoli upon a rich warm border, and plant out celery, for blanching.

  2. They are both well known; but we may observe, that the purple and white Brocoli are only varieties of the Cauliflower.

  3. Strip off the dead outside leaves, and the inside ones cut off level with the flower; cut off the stalk close at the bottom, and put the brocoli into cold salt and water, with the heads downwards.

  4. A pair of fowls, 1 pint of Béchamel, No, 367, a few bunches of boiled brocoli or cauliflower.

  5. After the brocoli affair he tells her to cook some beans for dinner.

  6. Strascinare' is to drag anything along, but is technically used to express brocoli chopped up and fried, the commonest Roman dish.

  7. The brocoli that heads at the top like cauliflowers, must be dressed in the same manner as the cauliflower.

  8. Soak the brocoli in salt and water for some time, in order to get rid of any insects.

  9. We would particularly call attention to the importance of draining brocoli and cauliflower very thoroughly, especially when any sauce is served with the brocoli.

  10. When several heads of brocoli are served at once, it is important to cut the stalks flat, as directed, before boiling.

  11. When the dish is cut into, nothing looks more disagreeable than to see the white sauce running off the brocoli into green water at the bottom of the dish.

  12. Throw the brocoli into boiling water that has been salted, and boil till it is tender, the probable time for young brocoli being about a quarter of an hour.

  13. The outside leaves of brocoli should not be thrown away, but eaten.

  14. You may pickle brocoli in the same manner.

  15. Cauliflower or brocoli (which are frequent accompaniments to corned beef) should never be boiled with it.

  16. Prepare brocoli for boiling in the same manner as cauliflower, leaving the stalks rather longer, and splitting the head in half only.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brocoli" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.