And from that day to this tho I've stayed, I've entirely failed to diskever The name of that brite dairy-maid As broke thirteen eggs by the river.
As the friend who forwarded the circular knew something of the wildcat nature of the Brite & Fair enterprise, his comments on the folly of the bank's accepting such a "trust" had an edge on them.
Francis said there was one boy who had grate talents and was a very brite boy but owing to his fondness for play had not done as well as he shood.
Brite and fair in the morning and clowdy but no rane in the afternoon.
December 1, 186- brite and fair, late to brekfast, but mother dident say nothing.
Yesterday and day before it was brite and fair, and yesterday was as warm as summer.
Her face sparkles with amuzin cussedness & about 200 (two hundred) little bit of funny devils air continually dancing champion jigs in her eyes, sed eyes bein brite enuff to lite a pipe by.
It is now goin on 2 (too) yeres, as I very well remember, since I crossed the Planes for Kaliforny, the Brite land of Jold.
Then some brite Genus went and inwented Cabs, and they soon cut out the Ackney Coaches, which all went back to Ackney, and was never seen no more.
June 9, 186---Sunday again brite and fair it is always brite and fair sundays so fellers has to go to chirch.
September 3th, 186---brite and fair and hot as time.
July 13, brite and fair, we washed the downstairs winders today.
September 6, 186---brite and fair to-day and cool.
It costs nothing, comes at the call, and leaves a britespot behind.
I hav seen pholks so melankolly and so gloomy that they wouldn't admit thare waz a brite side tew ennything in this world, not even tew a nu haff dollar.
I hav bin on its top, and far above waz the brite blu ski, without a kloud swimming in it, while belo me the rain shot slanting on the valley, and the litening played its mad pranks.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.