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Example sentences for "brise"

Lexicographically close words:
brioche; briquette; briquettes; briquetting; bris; brisk; brisked; brisker; briskest; brisket
  1. Mrs. Wedworth, several of the house-masters and their wives, Brise the captain of cricket, and other notables too numerous to mention.

  2. Brise will be in a pretty way when he comes back.

  3. I thought Buckle would notice at once that the box was lighter than before, and I never meant that he should go away without the cup; but just then Brise ordered us all to clear out of the pavilion.

  4. The painted ivory brise fans of the latter part of the eighteenth century are typically English, though derived from an Italian source.

  5. Another brise fan, finely pierced and carved, presented by the ladies of Copenhagen to H.

  6. These were both brise and leaf; the fans of Ferrara, decorated with mica insertion, were also of this shape.

  7. Meanwhile, after the abominable denunciation of which Mother Bunch was the victim, Mrs. Grivois had returned precipitately to the Rue Brise Miche.

  8. Churton or the Princesse de Brise by name.

  9. In Paris, Vienna and New York Sir Adolf Erckmann was a social power; he would not, indeed, be found with the Princesse de Brise or Mrs. Irwin T.

  10. Sir Ruggles Brise listened sympathetically, but warned me at once that any remission was exceptional; however, he would let me know what could be done, if I would call again in a week.

  11. That warder and Sir Ruggles Brise each in his own place: such men are the salt of the English world; better are not to be found on earth.

  12. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise was the head of the Prison Commission; after the Home Secretary, the most powerful person, the permanent official behind the Parliamentary figure-head; the man who knew and acted behind the man who talked.

  13. In face of Oscar's record Sir Ruggles Brise did not think that the sentence would be easily lessened.

  14. I had to tell Sir Ruggles Brise that I had failed.

  15. And in this belief when the time came I ventured to call on Sir Ruggles Brise with another petition.

  16. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise had evidently settled the difficulty in the most humane spirit.

  17. Sir Ruggles Brise asked me finally if I would go to Reading and report on Oscar Wilde's condition and make any suggestion that might occur to me.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.