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Example sentences for "brigge"

Lexicographically close words:
brigandish; brigands; brigantine; brigantines; brige; bright; brighte; brighten; brightened; brightening
  1. Anoon̄ the Sowdon̄, south to say, Then the soudan more Sente iij hundrid of knightis, 2276 closely blockades the To kepe the brigge and the waye castle.

  2. Towarde the brigge so longe; 2916 The Geaunte faught with hem̄ alone, He was so harde and stronge.

  3. They loosened the Anoon̄ thay brast the Chaynes alle, chains; That ouer the brigge were I-drawe.

  4. Whan he to Mauntrible wente, and Alagolafre He founde the brigge Ichayned sore; standing before it.

  5. Also in this yere the duke of Burgoyne, with help of Englysshmen, sclewe moche peple of the dukes of Orlyons at the brigge of Seyntclowe.

  6. In this yere prynce Edward, with kyng John of Fraunce and with alle hise presoners, comen into Engelond the xxiiij day of May, aboughte iij of the belle at afternoon he rod over London brigge toward the kynges paleys at Westm'.

  7. Also this yere, on seynt Petres even, was gret debate in Brigge street betuen the lord Thomas men and men of London.

  8. Forthermore, so as the kyng gan ryde, Middes of the brigge there was a toure on lofte; The lord of lordes beynge ay his gyde, As he hath be and yit wil be ful ofte.

  9. To London brigge whan he com ryght, Upon the gate ther stode on hy, A gyaunt that was full grym of syght, To teche the Frensshmen curtesye.

  10. This is the brigge of paradis, "Here ouer thou must go.

  11. Under the brigge of paradis, Halvendel the pine.

  12. And it plese yow that John Yve and John Brigge myght have your warentez for cheffe constable, &c.

  13. The stipends of the Masters were raised by means of a gratuity and William Brigge received £30.

  14. In the Parish of St. Margaret in Brigge Streete.

  15. To london Brigge whan he com right, Vp on the gate ther stode on hy A gyaunt, that was full grym of myght, To teche the Frensshe men curtesy.

  16. And at the Drawe brigge that is faste by, Two toures there were vp pight; An Antelope and a Lyon stondyng hym by, Above them Seynt George oure lady’s knyght.

  17. From brigge of dread that thou may'st passe, Every night and awle, To purgatory fire thou com'st at last, And Chryst receyve thy sawle.

  18. From whynne moore then thou may'st passe, Every night and awle, To brigge of dread thou com'st at last, And Christ receyve thy sawle.

  19. Ther nis no clerk may write with ynke, No no man no may bithink, No no maister deuine; That is ymade forsoth ywis, Under the brigge of paradis Halven del the pine.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brigge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.