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Example sentences for "brayed"

Lexicographically close words:
brawly; brawn; brawny; braws; braxy; braying; brayn; brayne; braynes; brays
  1. And before his master had a chance to stop him, he had pinched his nose and brayed--had brayed such a bray that all the valleys and dales gave echo.

  2. But it so happened that both of them brayed at the same time, and when they ran to look, convinced that the donkey had turned up, they found not the ass but only each other, so naturally had they brayed.

  3. The monster brayed vindictively, stretched to her full height, and then shot forth her tremendous muscular red coil of tongue, thinking evidently to lick down her insignificant adversary from his perch.

  4. At length, apparently convinced that the little one was quite dead, she brayed again piteously, dropping forward upon all fours, and made off slowly down the trail, walking with grotesque awkwardness on the sides of her feet.

  5. Arriving at the scene of battle, she sniffed once more at her mangled young one, and brayed piteously over it.

  6. But even as he spake he turned and started, for, from the ward below a hunting horn brayed feebly.

  7. At the same time he observed that the man who had told them about the matter was wrong in saying that the two who brayed were regidors, for according to the lines of the standard they were alcaldes.

  8. He and his team once more processed off the field to a distant corner where a dozen chargers brayed in melancholy inactivity.

  9. The splendidly-trained chargers swished their tails majestically, and brayed in lieu of trumpets.

  10. I could have brayed her, I say, when I saw how she was constantly defrauding herself by cutting off that fine Major Andrew, who was talking to her, or trying to.

  11. Unbeknown, the monster eediot crawled tull the door an' brayed after hus fashion ot the sun.

  12. But what is it to you or me, or the story, whether the two brayers were aldermen or bailiffs, so they but brayed as we are told?

  13. Had he been alive, as sure as he was an ass, he would have brayed again.

  14. It matters not one rush what you call them," quoth Sancho; "for those very aldermen that brayed might in time come to be made bailiffs of the town; and so both those titles might have been given them well enough.

  15. But all in vain--they almost brayed their hearts out, but no answer from the ass.

  16. Macha's war-car brayed forth a brazen roar of welcome, the Tuatha De Danan shouted, and the car itself glowed and sparkled.

  17. Elated by the success of his trick, he loudly brayed in triumph.

  18. The Lion took up his stand at the mouth of the cave, and waited for them to come out; while the Ass went inside and brayed for all he was worth in order to frighten them out into the open.

  19. Yes, Miss Sawdust Doll, we see you," brayed the Nodding Donkey.

  20. I don't know, I'm sure," brayed the nodding toy.

  21. The animal brayed on hearing the report; but only as if in defiance.

  22. But instead of sighs and lamentations they could only bray like asses; and they brayed loudly and said in chorus: "Hee-haw!

  23. You brayed well, and I recognized you by your voices.

  24. So at Hundar, as everywhere else, the elders came out to meet us and cut the apricot branches away on our road, and the silver horns of the gonpo above brayed a dissonant welcome.

  25. Certainly there was much need of the horn that brayed a notice of our coming at the approach of every turning.

  26. As if thoroughly disgusted by such persiflage, Peter brayed and started on without waiting to be urged.

  27. He did not tug at his rope but he brayed again, as if he were giving an eerie shriek of warning.

  28. Half a dozen waiters rushed forward, the doors were flung open, the steps let down with a bang, the band brayed insanely, and the passengers alighted.

  29. At night the band brayed in the empty-looking ball-room, and a few very young couples danced, in a desultory fashion and without any ceremony.

  30. As I proceeded, a jackass brayed on my right hand, and I hailed the favourable omen with a joy I can feebly express.

  31. All of us stood silently; and wonderful to relate, even at that late hour an ass brayed on the right hand.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brayed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.