He was of a glossy black colour, with regular features, but a little too round to be expressive; dressed in a light tobe, with a bournous wrapped round his shoulder, and a dark red shawl round his head with great care.
They were here joined by a man of influence named Mahomet Boro, an elderly, respectable-looking personage, wearing a green bournous over white under-clothes.
He was dressed in a bournous of blue cloth, under which was a variegated tobe, made of figured satin, Haussa trousers, sandals of coloured leather, and a red cloth cap on his head.
The bournous thrown over him by the Arab teemed with vermin, and it was evening the next day before he could get a shirt, when a man gave him one, on the promise of getting a new one at Kouka.
Half-crouching and gathering his greenbournous closely about him, he crept cautiously back to the window and made the sign of the crescent in the air.
Carmen hesitated, but Omar at once threw his bournous aside and offered the young lady his arm.
A Moor in a spotless bournous appeared and made a grave gesture of obeisance as the visitor stood in the shadow of the porch.
The figure, which sat cross-legged on a lump which his returning senses discovered to be a dead horse, wore the white haik and the bournous of a Moor.
It may seem a stretch of fancy, but even the bournous itself, with its classic outline and flowing folds, loses half its dignity and picturesqueness on these men.
The Kabyle barricades remained black and silent as ever; not a bournous was to be seen, as the 54th and the Zouaves received orders to carry the position at the point of the bayonet.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bournous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.