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Example sentences for "bootie"

Lexicographically close words:
booted; booters; bootes; booteth; booths; booties; bootiful; booting; bootjack; bootlace
  1. With 1 strand of pink, 1 blue, ch 74 sts, tape thru bootie and tie.

  2. Picture the king or queen of your household be-decked in this Saxony Cap, Sacque, and Bootie ensemble.

  3. This gaie bootie gate these gentlemen by going into Italie, and hereby a man may see what fruit is afterward to be looked for where such blossoms doo appeere.

  4. Then Harold and his brethren, returning with their preie and bootie to their ships, and coasting about the point of Cornwall, came and ioined with their father & their other brethren, then soiorning in the Ile of Wight.

  5. This gaie bootie gate these gentlemen by going into Italie, and hereby a man may see what fruit is afterward to be looked for where such blossoms doo appéere.

  6. The king therefore did much hurt in the countries with fire and sword, sleing diuerse that with weapon in hand came foorth to resist him, and so with a great bootie of beasts and cattell he returned.

  7. Verily Master Googe's fingers itched to carry off some of this "bootie good," but we are grateful to him for giving us such a realistic description of the processions on Corpus Christi Day.

  8. For all the church goodes out are brought Which certainly would be A bootie good, if every man Might have his libertie.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bootie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.